Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Our Bible story from Genesis 6, (Children's Bible):

Many years later there were lots of people on earth, but most of them were bad. One man-Noah-was good. He obeyed God, "I want you to build a boat," God told Noah. Noah started right away. People laughed at Noah because they lived in a desert and there was no water for his boat. Noah just went on building his boat.

This week we will continue with the color, shape and number for the month of September. We will attempt to find the color red in our room and octagons as well. We will look at our bodies and try to decide if we have 2 hands, 2 ears, or 2 mouths etc. Finally, the students will be asked to look for objects that are in front of another object or behind another object. The children will have an opportunity to explore new centers: chalk board, magnetic board, and the arks. As a class we will search for arks hidden around the room. The children love to paint so there will be several painting projects such as: painting an animal, Noah's tools, apple stamping and rain drop stamping. The class will spend some time out of doors playing with the toys and sensory table filled with sand. The boys and girls may work animals puzzles, enjoy looking at books individually or with a buddy. Additionally students may play with seasonal magnets on the magnetic board, get creative with chalk on the chalk board easel, lace animal cards, match and pattern apples, make a 1, 2, 3 Rain drop book and touch "rain drops" made out of various materials; telling how the material feels. This is a fun sensory activity. As a group we will act out the story of Noah; making all the sounds of the tools he might have used. Lastly we will cut open an apple an examine the inside.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and refreshing weekend. Blessings on the week that is ahead of us.

Terrific Tuesday! Check out the fun we had today!

Animal puzzles started our day.

We enjoyed playing with Noah, the ark and all the animals.

Just like Noah built the ark with tools; we pretended to build with tools also. We learned the names of many tools and how to use them.

We also tried to fasten nuts and bolts.

Using the magnetic board was lots of fun.

The class enjoyed the chalk board easel and made many colorful pictures.

Children and their paints.

The students made very beautiful Fall pictures.

We painted animals.

The boys and girls stamped red apples.

We tried lacing animal cards...not to bad.

Together with our friends, we used markers to color a picture of Noah building the ark.

I made a 1, 2, 3 Raindrop book.

It was fun to stamp apples. The boys and girls enjoyed examining the apple that I cut in half. We saw seeds and a core.

These are the raindrops that have various materials attached to them. We identified the drops as soft, rough and smooth etc.

The Jesus Time board depicting Noah and the ark. We learned that Noah was a good man and he obeyed God, even when people laughed at him. In our prayer we asked God to help us listen and obey just like Noah.

The Bible story.

Looking at books after snack time.

Here we go Looby Lou.

We enjoyed the wonderful weather and played outside. God is good.

The boys and girls hammered tees with a mallet into styrofoam. We have some carpenters in the making.

Apple matching and patterning.

We looked for RED items in our classroom.

We found several arks in the room.

This is another book that I read to the class.

As we read this book, we acted the story out. We used our voices to make the sounds of the tools.

We sang: Sail, Sail, Sail the ark on the waves at sea. Up and down and all around, God takes care of me. (Row, row, row your boa)t

This is the poster we made last week based on the days of Creation.

We used play doh to make some of the animals that were on the ark.

This concludes our day at PDO.

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