Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Reformation Day!

 We had a lot of fun today. It was exciting to see how involved the children were in the new centers. Much learning through discovery took place. These boys and girls have love zest for learning. We had a visitor in our room today. I hope you enjoy learning about our day.

The new center, Zion School Office was LOVED by ALL!!!!!!
Perhaps in the days to come, parents can share what skills are needed for work in their offices.

New puzzles were well liked by the boys and girls.

WOW,  the light table was really cool.

The sensory table was filled with corn kernels, scoops, containers, funnels, tweezers, magnifying glasses, gourds and ears of corn. The children were encouraged to pick kernels of corn off the cob. They were encouraged to tell about their experience at the table.

A new train set was offered for play today. The children got to build the trains, then they made the track and ran the trains.
Stamping the sponge jack-o-lantern was fun but also reminded us to let our light shine for Jesus.

Fire trucks and helmets were available to reinforce fire safety and offer some interest in firefighting as a career.
We stamped 3 jack-o-lanterns.
To increase our fine motor skills, we used stickers to create a Halloween picture.

Miss Bethany, our children's ministry director came to visit us today. She played with us.
She read us a Bible story, Samuel Hears a Voice in the Night. God called Samuel to tell others that HE, God is real and Alive. God calls us, yes even children to serve Him.

It was a GREAT day to be outside.

Samuel, hears a voice. The Bible story.
Books that were read to the class today.

Instruments, oh what FUN! We learned the names of the instruments and how to play them.

Jack-o-lantern bean bag toss was hard, but still loads of fun.

This book was also read to the class today.

This was a fun game... 1, 2, 3, Look and see....
what's missing.

Story sequencing using nursery rhymes.
Mr. Pumpkin head...creative children.

Today we learned about the founder of our Lutheran faith, Martin Luther.