Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Jesus Prays for Help
Matt. 26:36, Mark 14:32, Luke 22:39

After dinner Jesus and his followers went to a quiet garden. Jesus prayed  for strength. He took Peter, James, and John with him. They were three of his closest friends. Jesus asked them to pray. He went further into the garden to pray by himself. It was late and the three men were tired. They fell asleep. Jesus woke them twice, but they went back to sleep each time.

The lesson focused on these points.
1. Jesus prayed and God listened.  
2. We should pray, and God will listen to us. 
3. He always answers our prayers with yes, no, or sometime we need to wait until we receive an answer to our prayer.

Jesus Taught Us How to Pray
To the tune of "Jesus Loves Me.
Jesus taught us how to pray,
to God our Father everyday;
Morning, noon, and night-time, too,
we can pray and so can you.
Yes, we can pray!  Yes, we can pray!
Yes, we can pray; to God through-out the day.

Today's activities:
Play doh
Bible coloring sheet (crayons) puzzle
Spring coloring sheet (markers)
Finger painting
Yellow do a dot-Honey Bear
Painting a Chick yellow
Church Service
Color matching game
Sensory Table-using hole punches
Tracing a rectangle

Tuesday pictures:

We made many numbers and letters with the play doh.

The class matched paint brushes to paint cans.

It is fun to play with the Circus train.

Our PDO friends enjoyed finger painting.

The sensory table contains small pieces of construction paper and 6 hole punchers. By using the hole punchers, the girls and boys are strengthening the muscles in their hands.

We used yellow paint to create a yellow chick.

The boys and girls colored a picture of Jesus praying in the garden. This handout was laminated, then cut into 4 pieces. This puzzle was sent home today. Hopefully, your child will be able to put the pieces together and provide some information about the Bible story.

Lunch with friends.

Do a dot yellow honey bear.

We traced a rectangle.

Markers were used to color a Spring coloring sheet.

Our Bible story for today.

Since it is springtime, this book was read so that the class could learn about pond life during Spring.

After snack we looked at books.

Some of our older children participated in a 15min. service for Drew A. Along with the entire school body, we celebrated Drew's life on earth and now his life in heaven. The Preschool classes played hand bells to the song, "Jesus Loves Me". These bells were a Memorial Gift from Drew's family. The entire student body the sang the same song A- cappella. Pastor Rouland gave a short message on heaven, using a children's book.


Some of our classmates.

With the help of the 8th graders, we blew bubbles in the Welcome Center as the service ended.

This concludes the pictures for Tuesday.

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