Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Friday, February 6, 2015


Bible Story:

John 1:35-51

Helpers and Friends:

Jesus knew that he had much work to do. He wanted to have some good friends who could help him. One day Jesus was walking along the Sea of Galilee. He saw two boats there. Peter and Andrew were fishing from one boat. James and John were mending a net in the other boat. Jesus called to them,"Come and follow me." They did.
Later Jesus passed by a tax office. There was a man there named Matthew. Matthew's job was to collect the taxes, the money the people paid to the king. Jesus looked at Matthew. "Follow me," Jesus said. Matthew got up and followed Jesus.
Jesus asked twelve men to be his helpers. Besides Peter, Andrew, James, John and Matthew, he called Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas another man named James, Simon, Thaddaeus and Judas.

To apply this story to our daily life, I began the discussion with how we can be helpers at home and at school. Truly, the children understand the concept of being a helper. We also discussed ways we can show God's love. They offered several good ideas. As Christians we need to be disciples and tell others the Good News.

bead stringing
Bible story coloring sheet
Books read to students as a group/individually
Sponge painting
Grab bag of pink items
Free/Directed play: toys, magnetic board, chalkboard, sensory table
Snowflake crafts
7 bead stringing
Exploration of shaving cream
Acting out winter activities
Fun with colored chalk
Contact paper heart
Folder games-Valentine heart matching, Hot/Cold sorting
Using a mirror
Shaving cream play
Snowflake counting
Gingerbread Men craft

We enjoyed learning and playing with our friends today.

Exploring shaving cream on Thurs. We used our language skills to describe how the cream looked, smelled, and felt.

Time for play doh.

Toys are fun to play with.

We practiced using a small amount of paint and staying in the lines of the heart.

Valentine sticker matching.

Let's fix the horse.

Sorting pink and blue pictures.

We are disciples too. 

Time to choose a book.

Recess time-tunnels, hoppers and rings.

We found hearts in the sensory table.

Mitten match activity.

We listened to the Ginger bread story. Then we created our own ginger bread people.

Books that the class enjoyed hearing today.

We had fun with our PDO friends!

WE had

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