Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Come Little Children

"Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

Some mothers and fathers heard what Jesus was saying about God's love. They wanted Jesus to bless their children. So they brought their families-boys and girls of all ages-to the place where Jesus was teaching.

The parents made their way through the crowd to bring their children before Jesus. But, the disciples tired to stop them. They thought he was took busy.

When Jesus saw what was happening, He spoke sternly to His disciples. "Let the little children come to Me, and do not stop them. Unless you love and trust God the way a little child does, you cannot get into God's kingdom."

Then Jesus picked up the children and placed His hand on their heads. He gave His blessing to each and every one of them.

Key Points:
Jesus in our best friend.
He loves us.
He wants us to tell others about His love
He wants us to show this love to those around us.

In closing, I asked the class how they would feel if they saw Jesus. Some of the words that were expressed are: happy, loved, smile, fun, and surprised. This was a difficult question for some of our friends and several of the classmates used facial expression to tell us how they would feel. Overall, we could tell that they class knew it would be a good experience; had they been one of the children in our Bible story who met Jesus.

Activities and how they aid in your child's development
Spin Art=creativity/motor development
Tissue paper applied to contact paper=creativity/sensory development
Valentine card making=creativity/spatial awareness/language development
Folder games=thinking skills/visual discrimination
Heart beanbag toss=large motor/hand-eye coordination
Toys=growth in social skills/conflict resolution/self regulation
Necklace noodle stringing=fine motor/cognitive growth
Gingerbread craft=expressing creativity/fine motor growth/hand-eye coordination
Bible story handout=fine motor skills/hand-eye coordination
Recess=large motor development/self regulation/conflict resolution
Book and story time=language development listening skills

Enjoy the pictures!

We began the day coloring a Valentine picture.

Next, the toys were available for the children to play with.

The class enjoyed exploring the sensory table.

Markers are so much fun.

Time to make a gingerbread man.

Sorting is a good activity.

The boys and girls placed 7 noodles on the yarn and PRESTO, it's a necklace.

Let's paint PINK!

PDO friends enjoying a feast.

It's fun to place colored tissue paper on a contact paper heart.

Cooperation at the block table.

The girls and boys used a template to trace a pink heart.

Play doh time.

Jesus Board

Jesus Loves the Little Children.

The Bible story.

Books I read to the class.

Recess indoors.

Spin Art hearts.

Sorting hearts by color.

Chalk Time.

Folder Games-Matching Valentines.

Beanbag heart toss.

A song we are learning.

We acted out this poem.

All in all it was a great day in PDO.

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