Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The children are learning that they have much to be thankful for. Today, we are blessed to have a Christian school. The children can also count faith/church as a blessing. We explored Zion's church and found many crosses. We also saw pictures of some of our church workers. The children recognized the baptismal font and the altar. Our book about things in a church game us a picture of objects found in a church and as a class we tried to find them in our church. Girls and boys know that it is a blessing to be able to talk about God at school. We are wrapping up centers and activities for the month of November. As a staff, we are so pleased with the growth of the class.  The children are kind ad loving to each other and overall well behaved. We can see the work of the Holy Spirit in each one of them.

Our harvest exploration is almost over. What will be next in the sensory table?

 Expressing ourselves through our play.

 We are thankful for.... the students drew a picture of something they were thankful for and Mrs. Burke wrote their response.
 Patterning colored leaves.

A/B/A patterning using a Pilgrim/Native American stamp.

The children were exposed to Thanksgiving finger plays and songs. Then they used markers to color a turkey.
Linking people = family and friends. Linking people come in sizes to represent adults and children and clothing indicates male/female. This helps the children describe their themselves and friends as a boy or girl.

 Spin art Autumn leaves

 Jesus Time was in the church today. We are THANKFUL for our church and school. This pic displays our pastors and other church workers.
Sitting and looking at the pictures on the wall, in the lobby of church.
Recess, what a nice sunny day to play outside. I would suggest mittens over gloves. Mittens are easier for the children to put on. It is our job to help them but also teach them to dress themselves. Gloves are quite challenging and frustrating for the children. Most of the children just can't begin to do gloves.

 Another day of checking out pumpkins and gourds. Tomorrow we will look at a variety of fruits.

 Words used to describe the experience include: orange, yellow, big, little, smooth, cool and wet. The children will help plant the seeds; hopefully something will grow.

Featured books for Thursday.
May God bless you with peace and rest this evening.


 Dec. Take Home Project, to use during the Advent season with devotionals.
 This Advent gift is given to us by Zion Church Family Life/Devotional Team. This can be used along with the Advent Wreath. Parents are the most important influence in their children's life and this includes their faith.
 This is the invitation to our ELP Jesus Time. I would love to have you join us if at all possible. If you have questions email me or speak to me at drop off.
 We closed out our day by finger painting with chocolate (BROWN), pudding. Yes we could lick our own fingers. YUM! YUM!
 Stirring the mixture prior to "painting."

 The fun!!!

 The best part. OH SO GOOD!!
 These ladies were confused, finger not sure.

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