Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Friday, September 22, 2017


ELP Rm A had a wonderful day of learning. Check out the experiences; see the learning through play.

Finger painting with red and blue paint, a fine motor, sensory and spatial awareness activity.

 Playing with the ark. This task develops story recall, stimulates creativity and connects the child to the Bible story.

 Balance, core strength and creativity are enhanced through interactions like: riding, brushing and feeding the horse.

Boys and girls benefit from working puzzles. They learn to look for details like: color, size and shape.
 A child's vocabulary increases as they play with toys. In this case, we help them learn the names of each train car. We talk about what each car does.

Children learn from adults and then pretend to be that person.
 This center allows boys and girls to learn a skill such as hammering nails (tees) in a safe way. They better understand the purpose of nails, while increasing their hand-eye coordination.

 Tearing paper strengthens our finger muscles, preparing young hands for scissor use.

When a child is sorting fruits and vegetables they are exposed to words that describe the fruit or vegetable. They use their words to tell each other about their experiences when growing, harvesting or eating these fruits and veggies.

Working with stickers enhances finger dexterity and in many cases challenges  child's patience.
 The same can be said for placing uncooked spaghetti in the slots of spice jars.

Apple matching allows young children to think about similarities and differences.

 Graphing is a skill that will be used often in school.

Sharing and comparing art work = collaboration.

Thanks families for our healthy and yummy snacks.

 Our Jesus Time story.
The class loves to share books with each other.
 The bag of RED things,,,, name the object, the color and how it's used.

 Developing large motor skills and having fun too.

Coordination skills grow when the class dances with streamers.

 Learning the digging rules for the rock pit.
 Singing and dancing to the videos.
Preparing our fall flower garden.

I pray each of you will have a relaxing weekend and some special time set aside to enjoy as a family. I know your children enjoy time spent with their parents and siblings. Please allow time for worship this weekend. Zion offers services at 5pm on Sat., 8am and 10:30am on Sun. with Sunday School and Bible study at 9:15am.

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