Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Monday, November 17, 2014


   This week Rm A is learning about the gift of CHURCH. We started Jesus Time with a review. I was impressed to witness the recall of blessings from my class. Wk 1-family, home, furnishings, pets and toys. Wk 2 -food. This week we are thankful for the gift of faith- Church, Pastors, Hymnals, Bible, Music, and Our Church Family. The book I used is Things I See In Church. It shows various pictures of the inside of a church. I will make available some of the pictures from the book throughout the week. I talked to the class about our church Zion. I showed them a photo of our church and also a picture of our pastors.

We enjoyed various activities in our room today. These activities were used to reinforce the concepts of the month: brown, cross, 4, Fall, and Thanksgiving. Due to the cold weather and an event in the Commons our recess was held in Rm B.

Leaf painting
Cornucopia painting
Creating a Native American headband with 4 feathers
Book Time
Learning and talking about the change in the weather
Completing our Thanksgiving aprons
Using markers to color a Thankful book
Telling each other what we are thankful for/coloring a picture
Using bubble wrap to design a colorful ear of corn
Music and Movement, enjoying some of our favorite songs and fingerplays
Fall lacing cards
A-B-A patterning-stamping, shapes  w/magnetic board, body movements

Songs for the next 2 weeks.

"Give Thanks"
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son.
(sing 2x's)
"Thank Him"
Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love;
Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,
    God is love, God is love.
( I take requests from the class as to what we are thankful for)

Monday, Monday

We can lace. Lacing cards with a Fall theme.

It is fun to share our toys.

I love the sensory table. Scooping, pouring, oh what fun.

We painted Fall leaves choosing red, yellow, orange or brown paint.

Time for a chalk picture.

Here we are creating our Thankful Book.

Choo, Choo.

I am playing house.

Using markers is messy but fun.

I am painting a Horn of Plenty.

We love to take turns sharing the toys.

What color should I start with?

A-B-A patterning with crosses.

A-B-A stamping with a turkey and a cornucopia.

This is easy.

This is the story the students heard today. Wow, can that bear snore.

Baby finger plays.

BRRRR it's cold.

Leaves are falling down, down, down...

A-B-A patterning reviewing the shapes of circle and octagon.

Friends at play.

Recess in Miss Jeri's room.

Stamping leaves on the head band.

We used orange paint.

We are making colorful corn.

So cute.

Yes we are.

Lifting up the bubble wrap.

I love my headband.

We walked through the building looking for crosses.

Wow, lots of crosses.

Lunch time.

I am modeling the apron that I made.

We are thankful for....

Yes we are!

Monday was a marvelous day.

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