Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Learning through play.
Play doh = sharing, fine motor development, thought processing and creativity.

Bible story handout = enhances memory and recall skills as children share the Bible story at home with family. Retelling the story develops each child's oral language skills. Fine motor skills are improved upon as children grasp crayons. Coloring within the lines aids in the development of spatial awareness. Children learn creativity while making color choices.

 When  we play we learn cooperation. We learn to share and wait for our turn.
 When the children paint they learn spatial awareness and how to express themselves.
Bible crafts further a child's understanding of the Bible story. It gives them an object to share with family and friends as they witness to others.
Color choice, coloring mixing and color placement are art skills they learn when using water colors.

 As they play their imaginations soar.

Group color sorting with colored bears teaches them patience, sharing, cooperation and thinking skills.

Early math skills are learned when linking  strips together, such as colors, shapes.

Playing domino's is not just fun but also stimulates thinking and language development,

 Sensory table = stimulates conversation about the Valentine soup, sharing, taking turns, enhances their senses and adds words to their vocabulary, ( wet/dry, hot/cold, heavy/light color/shape). They experience how to use actual items found in a kitchen: spoons, ladles, whisks and containers/lids.

Snack Time teaches table manners.

 Books for Thursday = appreciation for oral language, self regulation, listening skills and vocabulary development.
 They learn to share and how to handle a book correctly.
 Recess = allows the child to experience various types of weather, the seasons, sharing importance of exercise, plus develops coordination skills.

Additional books read to the class today.

This is why at this age play is ESSENTIAL to each child's growth. It looks like play, and it is, but it's SO MUCH MORE.!!!!!!

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