Enjoy viewing some of the highlights from today's learning experience.
Students were given the opportunity to request songs. We danced and sang to some of our favorites.
It looks like play but all the centers, activities, books, Bible stories and toys are purposely chosen to expose and engage children in active learning: spiritually, socially, cognitively and physically. Thereby providing them with a strong age appropriate educational foundation to build upon this year and in years to come.
Popping bubble wrap.
Experiencing various types of vehicles.
Developing an appreciation for musical instruments.The class learned the correct way to play the instruments.
A camping she will go.
STEM awareness; building with magnetic shapes.
Sesame street garage/car play set.
Expressing himself artistically...markers on the white board.
Sensory Table - is filled with "manger hay". Children could search for objects that are green. Increase vocabulary as they name other objects and how they are used. Increase math readiness skills as they review colors and shapes of objects from the previous months. Develop fine motor skills while using tweezers and clothespins to pick up objects in the hay. Learn how to use a magnifying glass to examine objects close up.
Quite the detailed drawing. AWESOME!
Perfecting gross motor skills while enjoying a game of bow toss.
Senses used to pop the bubbles...touch, sight and hearing.
Water color paints were used to color the Bible story for the month of Dec. Of course it's the story on the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus.
Texture rubbings.
Words like top, middle and bottom were introduced to the children while they used the template to make a Santa, elf and reindeer.
Christmas cookie match. We are VERY good at matching.
This boy was busy creating a work of art for over 8min. Talk about a good attention span, YEAH!
Persistent group of girls and boys. They worked hard to place pony beads on a piece of chenille.
Sequencing numerals 1-5 in order as represented on Christmas presents.
Fall leaf matching according to color.
Sorting bears by color.
ABA patterning: Santa, Christmas tree, Santa.
After an active and engaging morning session it was time to unwind and have a snack. YUM YUM
Fostering a love for reading; these books were read to ELP students today.
Stocking grab bag contained Biblical characters from our Jesus Time story today. The boys and girls named the person depicted on the card and stated this person's role in the story.
Blessed with SUPER weather for our recess time today.
Pom pons were placed in the holes of the Christmas tree. Finger muscles were challenged today.
Holiday magnets seasonal and religious decorated the magnet board.
The entire story was read today. The focus was on the Angel's message to Mary.
The focal point of our story.
Weather frog is ready for an unseasonable day. Fine by us.
Our song as we await the birth of our Savior.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful children with us.
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