Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Friday, November 10, 2017


Welcome to the Friday Blog. FYI on Wednesday, the 1/2 day, one of the students had Strep. I am assuming after s doctor visit the school was notified and I got  notification on Thursday. A letter went home that afternoon and also I sent out an email. If your child is acting differently, or showing signs of illness. Please consult this form.

On a happier note, check out all the learning that took place today.

Play doh - we snipped it,  rolled and flattened it,  and used tools and cutters. The children made their family using a cutter in the shape of a person.
The vehicle center is hugely popular.

Girls and boys are attempting to work zippers, buttons, and snaps.

The sensory table is so popular.
This is our Thanksgiving book that is coming home next week. It covers house, family, food and a lot more. This would be a good book to read the night before or on Thanksgiving day.

 These days boys and girls are inserting pipe cleaners in the holes of the colander.

Brown paintings.

Look what we can do! We can trace a cross.

0 - 5 turkeys. Each student placed leaves on the turkey according to the number.
We are thankful for our homes. We know homes are a blessing from God. We also talked about how important our family, neighbors, clothing, pets, furniture and toys are to us. WE ARE BLESSED!

Four religious symbols were placed on the paper.
 Q - tips loaded with red, yellow, orange and brown paint were dabbed on the tree.
The temp was below 33 degrees at recess so I opted for the Commons. 

 Using the sense of touch, the class explored the texture of the fabric and used their words to describe what they felt. Lastly they stated which fabric they liked and why or how it felt.

Thanksgiving songs for large motor movement and music time.

 Our skin is a little rough. The children used their eyes, noses and hands to explore hand cream. The class swirled it around, made hand prints, drew in it and rubbed it on their skin.

If the children rub it in enough the cram will disappear.
Here in ELP we are thankful and blessed with the task of educating these young child. To God be the glory. Thank you for allowing us to educate these children in a school setting. God's peace to all.

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