Welcome back. It was great to see everyone today. We had a smooth transition from a long break to the traditional school day. From the stories told by ELP students, it sounds as if everyone had a super Thanksgiving day. God is good and we are blessed in so many ways.
Our day started with the A B C video.
Fine motor/Social-emotional development: bubble wrap popping.
Dramatic play/Social-emotional development: Big tent/camping
Fine arts: learning the names of instruments and how to play them.
Dramatic play: Cowboy town.
Fine motor: stringing pony beads on a pipe cleaner.
Bible story: Christ is born - water color painting.
Early math: recognition of numbers 1-5. Arranging numbered gifts sequentially.
Imaginary play: Transportation - various types of vehicles.
Early math: sorting bears by colors.
Early math: Christmas cookie match.
Large Motor development: Bow Toss
Fine Arts: Texture rubbings.
Ready for Jesus Time.
The Birth of Jesus is the story for the month.
Today's story was the angel Gabriel visiting Mary with news of her pregnancy.
We are learning the 1st verse of this song.
Literacy: Enjoying the books of the week.
Large Motor development: On the playground - riding vehicles, climbing, sliding, running, digging and throwing, catching bouncing a ball.
Language development: Seasonal magnetic board - Christmas tree and Nativity scene.
Early math: matching by color.
Early reading: Books of the day.
May God bless each of you with quality family time and a relaxing evening.
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