Bible Story;
The Lost Coin-Luke 15
"Once there was a women who had 10 silver coins," said Jesus. "Sometimes she would count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...10 coins". One day something went wrong. She counted the coins and only had nine. Only nine! Where could the other coin be? She lit a lamp so she could see under the furniture. She swept the house. Suddenly she saw it! She picked it up and called to her friends. "Be happy for me, I have found my lost coin." Friends, God is like that woman. He wants to find his people who are not following him. They are lost from him. He wants them to follow him again. Then they will be found, and God will be happy!
Activities today:
Bible craft-silver coins
Purple painting
Hide and Go Seek the silver coins
Do a dot ovals
ABC books: Q-T
Folder game-matching shapes
Counting 10 coins
Matching 10 coins to numbers-1-10
April Showers umbrella craft
Matching fish to colored template
Sensory table: floating ducks-identifying #1-10
on bottom of duck
Bunny activities: acting out poem, bunny count down #5-1,
ABA patterning, Identifying the missing bunny
Rice box-hidden numbers
I hope you can view this picture blog as a family. Hopefully, your child can describe some of the pictures to you.

We used crayons to color a picture of the Bible story.

The class worked on their ABC book.

The boys and girls matched shapes.

ABC book, Q is for queen.

It was fun making our silver coins. Ask your child why we made coins.

R is for roses.

Shaking the glitter.

T is for treasure.

S is for spider.

We placed 10 silver coins on the numbers, starting with number one. The children counted to ten as coins were placed on each number. Next, the children tried placing the coins on the numbers, as Mrs. Burke called out the numbers randomly. For the littlest children, their job was to place coins on the numbers.

The boys and girls dug in the rice. They found numbers cards. Many of the children were able to name the number, found on each card.

The girls and boys glued the numbers in numerical order as they placed the numbers on the purple strip.

Our Bible story board for the Lost Coin.

Quiet time with a book.

Little puppy and monster had fun playing together.

Pete tried to be cool by dressing to please others.

In the end he dressed in the style he liked.

We took turns pulling ducks from the water. The children named the number found on the bottom of each duck.

We matched colored fish to the template.

We chose a picture and painted it purple.

RECESS, God blessed us with fantastic weather.

The children learned SO much during Holy Week. I want to keep the Easter message alive in their hearts. Plus, we will be looking at butterflies in the month of May.

Carrots growing in the garden. This is a count down poem. Bunny is hungry so he eats carrots 5, 4, 3, 2,1. We tried our hand at counting down and did rather well.

We practiced self regulation as the poem was read. We had to rest and hop at the correct time. We are very good at doing this.

Bunny ABA patterning.

Look and see what bunny is missing.

Yes, it is a pink one.
I hope you found these pictures informative.
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