A Big Surprise-Matt. 28:1-10 and Luke 24:9-12
Very early on Sunday morning, the first day of the week, the women went back to the tomb. It was the third day since Jesus died. When the women got there, they couldn't believe their eyes. The stone was rolled away! An angel of the Lord was sitting on the stone. The soldiers were frightened. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. Jesus is alive." The women were happy! They ran to find other friends of Jesus. They told everyone that Jesus was alive! He had risen from death.
What we are learning:
Jesus had died on the cross and was buried in a tomb.
That Sunday some women came to visit His tomb.
The tomb was empty!
An angel said that Jesus was alive!
Mary Magdalene saw Jesus alive!
Jesus is alive!
Jesus provided eternal life for us.
This Is The Day
This is the day (This is the day)
That the LORD hath made (That the LORD hath made.)
I will rejoice (I will rejoice)
And be glad in it (and be glad in it)
This is the day that the LORD hath made
I will rejoice and be glad in it!
This is the day,
This is the day, that the LORD hath made
Do You Know Who Died For ME
Do you know who rose for me Jesus did, Jesus did
Lovingly He rose for me
Yes He really did
Oh You Can't Keep Jesus Love in a Box
Oh you can't keep Jesus shut in the grave, shut in the grave, shut in the grave
Oh you can't keep Jesus shut in the grave, cuz His love will come a bubbling through
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord.
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord, alleluia
Praise ye the Lord.
Today's Events:
Time to play outside/inside with friends
Easter Bible story and coloring sheet
Sensory table
Musical instruments and songs
Color, shape and number for April
ABC book-letters O/P with circular stickers
Play doh
Patterning with ovals
Time for Books
Lacing Easter eggs
Pairing eggs
Matching egg halves
Wednesday was wonderful! Check it out!

God blessed us with fantastic weather and we took full advantage of it by pushing a lawn mower...

playing with friends...

climbing on the dome...

viewing the world past the gate...

driving the coupe...

walking and exploring


and building a castle. We enjoyed the playground.

This book was about Easter celebrations on Sesame Street.

Our Bible story. Mrs. Kuhlmann was our guest Jesus Time leader today.

We learned that on the 3rd day Jesus rose from the dead. He defeated sin, death and the devil. We rejoice because now we can live forever in heaven with Jesus.

Our Bible story board. It shows the empty tomb.

Jesus' hands with the nail marks. Proof, that He was nailed to the cross. He died on the cross to save us from our sins.

This is a picture of the empty tomb. The stone was rolled away. The angel of the Lord told the visitors that Jesus had Risen!

We sang songs of praise to God and shook the Alleluia shakers. If Zion is your home church, please assist your child in picking up a shaker as you enter church on Sunday. They will shake it every time they hear the special word "Alleluia" during the church service.

The children are holding up crosses that they pulled from a grab bag. They used their words to describe the cross. Each child told the color of their cross and the size of the cross-big/large or little/small.

The children placed 9 purple circles on the paper. This simple activity reinforced the color purple, recognition of #9, counting and amount of 9, and finally helped to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

We worked new puzzles.

The class matched egg halves, putting the same color halves together, forming a whole egg.

The boys and girls enjoyed playing with baby doll strollers. These strollers were so popular that time limits needed to be used; allowing each child an opportunity to play with these new additions. Surprisingly this worked out quite well.

Building with Lincoln logs.

Playing with purple play doh and seasonal cookie cutters.

Today we continued to work in our ABC books, completing letters O and P.

O = owl. P = paint and paint brushes.

The sensory table allowed the students to create Easter eggs by placing egg halves together. They placed like colored halves together or match two different colored halves together, as long as the halves were the same size.

They used the magnifying glasses to examine the grass and the chenille chicks. Tweezers were used to pick up chicks and the grass.

The girls and boys laced Easter eggs.

The children matched pairs of ovals according to the patterns on the ovals.

We used water color paints to enhance our Easter Bible story handout.

The magnetic board was very popular as the PDO friends worked together to create a seasonal mural.

Our friends had the opportunity to play various instruments.

We patterned ovals by color.
Thanks for checking out our day in PDO. Blessings to all!
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