Today we were engaged in several activities.
1. Seasonal music, songs, instruments dance, finger plays
2. Learning about offices/exploring tools and equipment that could be used in an office.
3.Learning names of tools and how to use them
4 Books in the class library
5.Various types of vehicles, Sesame Street garage
6. Cowboy Town
7. Magnetic blocks
8. Dress up and baby dolls etc.
9. White board and markers/colored chalk
10. Playground
11. Puzzles
12. Turkey match
13. Patterning turkeys by size
14. Counting 5 stickers and applying them to a piece of paper
15.Stocking art
16. Jesus Time
A. Lighting the Advent candle, HOPE
B. The Bible story NO ROOM IN THE INN
c. Practicing for our church Devotional with families.
Here is how the day looked.
Elf dance.. Christmas is coming so dance, shake, clap, stomp and turn around. That's how our day started.
Exploring the work bench.
Musical instruments are very popular.
A variety of puzzles are available: numerals, shapes, colors, etc.
Dry erase markers on the white board. This center is very popular.
Sesame Street garage and vehicles stimulate the minds of several ELP students.
Reindeer patterning by color.
Patterning large and small triangles.
Jesus Time coloring sheets.
Children placed 5 stickers on the pink paper.
Turkey match according patterns and/or color.
Strawberry jello applied to a stocking. Looks good and smells good too.
I am starting to hang the finished stockings in the hallway.
The elves have arrived.
If a messy floor indicates a good day at play then so be it.
With temps at 41 and little wind, it was a good day to play outside.
Thanks for the contributions so far.
God's peace.
Add on...
Finger play
books of the day.
Stocking grab bag
The Story
Our Advent song.
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