Bible story:
Mark 1:11 And a voice came from heaven, "You are My Beloved Son; with You I am well pleased."
God Is Pleased
John the Baptist was a prophet who lived in the wilderness near Jerusalem. He ate grasshoppers and honey. His clothes were made of camel's hair, and he always wore a big leather belt. John was very wise. Many people came to hear him preach. He baptized them in the Jordan River. One day, Jesus came and asked John to baptize Him. John didn't want to because he knew who Jesus was and that He was Holy. "You should baptize me," he said to Jesus. But Jesus said it was right for John to baptize Him. So John baptized Jesus in the river. When Jesus rose out of the water, the sky opened and the Spirit of God, like a dove, came down to Him. at the same time, a voice from heaven said, "You are My own dear Son. I am very pleased with You." Jesus invites us to be baptized, too. In Baptism, Jesus washes away our sins and makes us God's children.
The centers that were offered today.
Bible Puppets
Gingerbread painting
Sensory Table
Magnetic board
Button Stringing
Star Template Tracing
A-B-A Patterning
Mitten Dabbing
Baby Baptizing
Watching the Bible story online
Jesus Time Children Bible story
Book Nook
This is a look at our Monday/PJ Day for NLSW.

We had an enjoyable day.
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