The Bible story today comes from Matt. 2:13
Another Journey
After the wise men left, God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream. "Take Mary and the child and go to Egypt. King Herod wants to harm Jesus. Stay there until I tell you to come home." It was night but Joseph got up and took Mary and Jesus and headed for Egypt.
Matt. 2:19
Home at Last
The family stayed in Egypt until God told Joseph in another dream to take Mary and Joseph home. King Herod had died. He could never hurt them again. God had kept the family safe. They went home to live in Nazareth.
As a class we talked about how God keeps us safe. We discussed that God gives us parents to help us grow and learn just like Mary and Joseph provided for their son's growth and development. We learned that the gift of faith is a very important example of something parents instill in their children.
Directed and Free creative play with the toys (horse, blocks, workbench/tools, doll houses, shape sorter, kitchen/house/dolls, magnetic board, chalkboard and large vehicles)
Painting an outline of mittens
Matching mittens by color
Sensory table/scissors
Coloring stars with crayons
Stamping 6 snowflakes
Rolling a number cube and counting the dots
Sensory number cards
Large motor movement in Commons-balls, tunnels, running, jumping balls
Scooping and transferring cotton balls from container to container
Book nook
Practicing color, shape and number for the month
Songs and finger plays
Stamping stars
Our photos:

We started the day working puzzles.

We moved on to playing with toys.

This is how we play. Play is our work.

Our scissor skills are improving.

The smiles are big when they tear or cut the wrapping paper.

Numerals 1-10 and snowmen are the magnets we are playing with this week.

Working together as we share the magnets.

We are developing our hand eye coordination as we scoop cotton balls from bowl to bowl.

Twinkle little stars. We chose 10 stars and glued them to the paper.

Cooperation.... the horse needed some fixing.

Now that's another way to transfer the cotton balls.

We stamped snowflakes with mini stampers.

We chose a color and painted mittens. We are learning to spread a thin layer of paint and cover the outlined picture.

It's a feast! Better yet we are sharing and taking turns.

We used markers to color 6 cars.

Our Jesus board shows pictures of how we grow from infant to adolescence. This week we are following the growth of Jesus from birth to adolescence. This shows us that Jesus was true man as well as true God.

I am so proud of the retention the students are demonstrating as we reviewed the Epiphany story. BRAVO!

Our story.

We are getting ready to enjoy a good book.

The books we enjoyed listening to today.

Playing with a friend during indoor recess.

We rolled the number cube.

We counted the dots.

We used a dabber to fill in the circles inside the star.

The class matched mittens then fastened them with a clothes pin.

The students ended the day with play doh.
This is a song we are learning.

We identified the shape and color. I helped the class identify the letters that spell the word.

We talked about the words up and down. We found objects in the room that demonstrated these words.

This is a finger play that we are learning.
We had a wonderful day is PDO. I hope you enjoyed these photos.
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