This week our Bible story will be about the growth of baby Jesus. We will look at several stages of growth: toddler, young child and finally adolescent. We will compare that to the growth of the PDO children focussing on various activities that correspond to each category.
The Bible story today comes from Matt. 2:13
Another Journey
After the wise men left, God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream. "Take Mary and the child and go to Egypt. King Herod wants to harm Jesus. Stay there until I tell you to come home." It was night but Joseph got up and took Mary and Jesus and headed for Egypt.
Directed and Free creative play with the toys (horse, blocks, workbench/tools, doll houses, shape sorter, kitchen/house/dolls, magnetic board, chalkboard and large vehicles)
Painting an outline of mittens
Matching mittens by color
Sensory table/scissors
Coloring stars with crayons
Stamping 6 snowflakes
Rolling a number cube and counting the dots
Sensory number cards
Large motor movement in Commons-balls, tunnels, running, jumping balls
Scooping and transferring cotton balls from container to container
Book nook
Practicing color, shape and number for the month
Songs and finger plays
We were busy in PDO today; just take a look.

We continue to work on developing cutting skills. For those children not ready for cutting, I will encourage them to tear the wrapping paper.

I really like this toy, my thumb and my blanket.

We enjoyed playing with the big vehicles.

Puzzle time! The class is getting very good at working puzzles.

Since we are talking about Jesus and his family, we are encouraging the class to play with the doll family and house.

The boys and girls stamped 6 big snowflakes.

We also stamped 6 small snowflakes. The project will be display on the January board.

Today the PDO friends reviewed the numerals 1, 2, and 3. We completed several activities with the number cards: we named the numerals, we used our pointer finger to trace the tactile numerals (sand paper), and finally I removed one card at a time and the child named the missing numeral.

The girls and boys enjoyed rolling the number cube and stating the number as they counted the red dots .

Time to choose a color and paint the mittens. We are encouraging the class to paint within the lines of the picture while using a small amount of paint. We are encouraging them to spread the paint around.

This week the magnetic items are #1-10 and snowmen.

We used crayons to color a star.

We stamped snowflakes.

These books were read to the class today.

We made a 3 way swap with the other PDO classrooms so we have a new set of books to enjoy.

Fun with friends in the Commons.

The children matched the mittens by color and then fastened them together by using a clothespin.

We scooped cottons balls from one bowl to the other bowl, using a spoon. For those children who were unable to use the spoon, they used their hand to transfer the cotton balls.

Last Wednesday one of the PDO students lost a blue cup similar to this cup. If by chance you have it, please return it the next time your child attends PDO.
This is a song we are learning.

We identified the shape and color. I helped the class identify the letters that spell the word.

We talked about the words up and down. We found objects in the room that demonstrated these words.

This is a finger play that we are learning.

The students are holding up pictures of winter objects. Next week we will act out an action that goes with each of these words and then we will use these words to create a story similar to the book- Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See.

Matching mittens.
We enjoyed our time together in PDO I hope you enjoyed these pictures.
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