Bible Story:
Luke 2: 41-50
Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. When Jesus was 12, they went as usual. When Mary and Joseph started home, they didn't see Jesus, they thought he was with friends. Late in the day they realized He wasn't with any of their friends. Mary and Joseph were very worried and hurried back to Jerusalem, looking for Him all along the way. They were afraid they had lost Jesus.
When Mary and Joseph found Jesus, He was in the Temple-a place where God's people went to worship. Twelve-year-old Jesus was talking with some teachers just like He was one of them. He asked them questions, and He answered theirs. His mother had a question too. "Son why did You stay behind? We were worried about You.' Jesus said, "You should have known I must be where My Father's work is!"
What did we learn:
1. A Temple is like a church.
2. Jesus grew bigger, stronger and smarter every day, He grew in love and knowledge for God daily.
3. We grow too; bigger, stronger, smarter, and in love and knowledge for our Lord and Savior.
Questions to ask your child.
1. Where was the family going?
2. How did they get there?
3. What did they to there?
4. What happened?
5.Wher did they find Jesus?
We asked God to help our faith and love for Jesus grow stronger each and every day. We thanked God for the Bible and for all those who help us learn about Him.
Activities this week:
Acting out the Bible Story
Songs and finger plays about the Bible Story
Finding winter pictures in the room
Matching like colored gloves
Using markers to color a winter picture
Snowy Day art
Shape lacing cards
Bible story crafts
Cutting a wreath
Sensory table with beans and white items
Star beanbag toss
Play doh
Filling circles with foam circles/dabbers
Finding white in the room
Large motor skill movement A-B-A patterning/ outdoor play
Mitten painting
Come and Go with MeSongs
Come and go with me to my Father's
To my Father's house (X2)
Come and go with me to my Fathers
where there's joy, joy, joy.
We Love
We love (clap, clap) because God first loved us (repeat)
We love (clap, clap) (repeat)
We love (clap, clap) because God-first-loved-us
( Substitute, We grow because God helps us grow)
Come and Listen
( tune of, Are You Sleeping)
Come and listen, Come and Listen
To God's word, To God's word
Come and Grow in God's love, Come and grow in God's love
Hear his word, Here his word
Vs. 2
Read your Bible, Read your Bible
Pray every day, Pray every day
And you'll grow in the Lord
Amen, Amen
Jesus Love Me
Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to him belong
They are weak but he is strong
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to him belong
They are weak but he is strong
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so
Yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so
We are still singing, Soon and very Soon; the class Loves this song.
Finger plays:
In the beginning God made me so small
(hold hands close to floor)
But now I am growing up, up, oh so tall
(Raise hands higher, on tiptoe stretch to ceiling)
Taller, Taller, Taller
I am growing (clap, clap) (repeat)
In God's love (clap, clap) (repeat)
Everyday I'm growing (clap, clap) (repeat)
Thank you God (clap, clap) (repeat)
Here is the church
Here is the steeple
Open up the door
And see all the people.
Pictures of our Tuesday.

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men." Luke 2:52
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