The Bible story today comes from Matt. 2:13
Another Journey
After the wise men left, God sent an angel to Joseph in a dream. "Take Mary and the child and go to Egypt. King Herod wants to harm Jesus. Stay there until I tell you to come home." It was night but Joseph got up and took Mary and Jesus and headed for Egypt.
Matt. 2:19
Home at Last
The family stayed in Egypt until God told Joseph in another dream to take Mary and Joseph home. King Herod had died. He could never hurt them again. God had kept the family safe. They went home to live in Nazareth.
As a class we talked about how God keeps us safe. We discussed that God gives us parents to help us grow and learn just like Mary and Joseph provided for their son's growth and development. We learned that the gift of faith is a very important example of something parents instill in their children.
Directed and Free creative play with the toys (horse, blocks, workbench/tools, doll houses, shape sorter, kitchen/house/dolls, magnetic board, chalkboard and large vehicles)
Painting an outline of mittens
Matching mittens by color
Sensory table/scissors
Coloring stars with crayons
Stamping 6 snowflakes
Rolling a number cube and counting the dots
Sensory number cards
Large motor movement in Commons-balls, tunnels, running, jumping balls
Scooping and transferring cotton balls from container to container
Book nook
Practicing color, shape and number for the month
Songs and finger plays
Our day.

Go horse Go1 The class loves riding the horse during playtime.

We are improving our cutting skills day by day.

Puzzle time is so much fun. It's one of our favorite centers.

Twinkle little stars. The children counted out 10 stars then glued them on the paper.

I love playtime with the big vehicles.

A girl and her doll house.

Three friends enjoyed playing together.

The girls enjoyed using tools just like Jesus. When Jesus grew, his earthly father Joseph, may have taught him how to use tools. As we grow, we are able to learn and do more things.

We painted mittens. part of painting is learning to use a small amount, spreading it thinly in the outlined area and filling in all the picture with color.

We enjoyed rolling the number cube and counting the red spots. This is two.

6 is the number for the month. We colored 6 pencils with our crayons.

Time to build.

I can count.

Puzzles are fun.

The PDO children used markers to color the star.

I stamped 6 big blue snowflakes on the 6.

I used a small snowflake stamp to stamp six snowflakes on the six. These are displayed on the January board in our room.

Our Jesus board... we grow, Jesus grew.

We reviewed the Epiphany story. Great job retelling the story, boys and girls!

These are the books that I read to the class.

We used these posters to discuss our growth, the things we can do as we grow and how we can be helpers in our homes even at this age.

The Bible story.

A picture book of Jesus growing.

Let's enjoy a book.

Playing in the Commons.

We used stamps to make colored snowflakes.

Mitten match. Then we placed a clothespin on each pair.

We traced each tactile number card with our pointer finger as we repeated each number's name.

After tracing and naming the numbers the children covered their eyes and I removed one of the cards to see if they could figure out what number was missing.

The girls and boys transferred snowballs from one bowl to the other using spoons. They were very successful.

Another game of mitten match.

Last Wednesday one of the PDO students lost a blue cup similar to this cup. If by chance you have it, please return it the next time your child attends PDO.
This is a song we are learning.

We identified the shape and color. I helped the class identify the letters that spell the word.

We talked about the words up and down. We found objects in the room that demonstrated these words.

This is a finger play that we are learning.
I hope enjoyed viewing pictures of your child at play.
Looks like it was a good day of playing and learning in PDO!
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