The Bible story for the week: Genesis 7:1-15-When the boat was finished, God told Noah and his family to go into the boat. In went his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. In went their wives and Mrs. Noah. "Now bring two of every animal,"God told Noah. Noah did exactly what God told him to do. God watched over him.
Today we started the learning concepts for the month of October.
Take a peek at all the activities we participated in today.

Who built the ark, imaginary play.

She placed orange circles, made from a pool noodle and placed them on a stick; good for hand eye coordination.

Just like Noah it's tool time. The class got every creative on what to fix and build in the classroom.

Designing with colored chalk.

Stamping circles on orange pumpkins.

Working together.

On your mark GET SET GO!

We painted the ark brown and will add animals 2x2 when the paint dries.

Exploring God's creatures in the sensory table.

We added red and yellow paint, folded over the wax paper, then rubbed the colors together. Presto, we made ORANGE!

The students painted a paper plate orange. This wreath is the 1st step in the Oct. Take Home project.

Sharing the magnets. Our Autumn picture is almost finished.

The boys and girls painted a basketball orange.

Our knuckles were painted and we stamped them on the paper to make a pumpkin patch. This display is coming soon to the lobby.

#3- 3 Halloween stickers, 3 smile faces.

The story of Noah continues.

God told Noah to load his family and the animals on the ark.

We chose some good books today.

The children helped tell the story using flannel board pieces. I was amazed at how well they could retell the story.

Stories I read to the class. This was about a school field trip to the pumpkin patch.

This story was about silly animals farming. It made us LAUGH!

We are learning about fire prevention. We had a practice fire drill. We practiced STOP, DROP and ROLL. WE are ready.

Red and yellow paint....

made orange paint.



We played with small sponge balls.

We named the animals.

Fun with balloons.

We enjoyed playing Simon says with streamers.

Orange Grab bag. We named the item, color, and what it is used for.

Weather frog is dressed for a rainy day.

Orange paper plate lacing.

Pairing the animals 2x2.

We looked at funny animals, named them and imitated the sound each animal makes.

We had some students wear masks as we sang a few of the Noah songs.

We made a graph. What apple do we like best, GREEN!

A-B-A patterning with red and green apples.
And that's how we spent the day!
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