Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Bible Story: Gen. 18:9-16, 21:1-7

When one of the visitors finished eating, he said,"Where is your wife, Sarah?" "She's over there in the tent," Abraham said. "Next year Sarah will have a baby boy," the visitor said. Sarah heard and laughed. She couldn't believe it. I'm too old to have a baby, she thought. Abraham is too old too. In about a year Sarah had a baby boy, just like God had promised. Abraham named the baby Isaac. Isaac means "laughter." Sarah was so happy with her baby boy. She said, "God has made me laugh. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."

Key points: God can do anything.
                    God answers all prayers with yes, no, or in his own time, we may need to wait.


Father Abraham

Father Abraham had many sons
Had many sons had Father Abraham
I am one of them
And so are you
So let's just praise the Lord

[Yell "right arm" and move right arm, as if marching.]

Martin Luther (tune: Frere Jacques)

Marti Luther, Martin Luther
Saved by Grace, Saved by Grace,
All our sins for given, All our sins forgiven
God  loves us, God loves us    

Finger play:

First you take a pumpkin big and round and fat
Then you cut off the top to make a hat
You hollow out the eyes and the nose and the mouth
And show it to the children for a Halloween Surprise

Today we experienced the following activities: singing/dancing
                                                                            Bible story coloring sheet with markers
                                                                            crawling through tunnels
                                                                            examining a pumpkin and bean plantings
                                                                            playing with toys/friends, inside
                                                                            painting 3 fish with water color paints
                                                                            using scissors to cut a wind sock
                                                                            Fall sensory table
                                                                            looking at books and listening stories
                                                                            counting to 3 with kernels of corn of pumpkin seeds
                                                                            Luther's Rose seal
                                                                            Chalk designs
                                                                            Fall tree craft/torn construction paper
                                                                            Jack-O-Lantern bean bag toss
                                                                            Campus walk
                                                                           Making a face on a Jack-O-lantern

We learned a lot today.

Whether exploring the sensory table,

playing with toys,

using the magnetic board,

creating a spider web,

counting to 3,

drawing on the chalk board,

cutting a wind sock,

counting kernels of corn,

coloring the Bible story with markers,

tossing bean bags at the Jack-O-Lantern,

learning about stories from the Bible,

crawling through tunnels,

discovering how to dress for the weather,

playing outside,

creating shapes with play doh,

using words like big/little

watching the pumpkin get carved,

or using our senses to explore a pumpkin,

being brave enough to touch shaving cream

 or watching the growth of the bean and grass sprouts,

and learning about roots systems (help plants stand up and bring food and water to the sprouts),

We  surely did learn a lot today. 


These are the books that the children heard today.

Our posters tell the story of Noah.

The hall display crafted with love and knowledge.

The silly Jack-O-Lanterns adorn the window in the Lobby.

Our Knuckle Pumpkin Patch and other seasonal art work.

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