The Bible story for the week: Genesis 7:1-15-When the boat was finished, God told Noah and his family to go into the boat. In went his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. In went their wives and Mrs. Noah. "Now bring two of every animal,"God told Noah. Noah did exactly what God told him to do. God watched over him.
Today we started the learning concepts for the month of October.
Take a peek at all the activities we participated in today.

We placed orange circles on a pole. This activity helped to develop our hand/eye coordination. The circular disc shapes were cut from a swimming noodle.

This child practiced lacing skills by threading yarn through holes in a paper plate.

Pull the string through.

We looked for creatures in the sand. We examined them through a magnifying glass. We practiced picking them up using tweezers.

This is the October take home project which can be used as a decorative wreath in your home. Directions are attached.

WOW, we got to play with a BIG tool set and lots of tools.
The class took turns stamping a #3 on the paper. Then we added 3 smile faces or 3 Halloween stickers. The students are quite good at counting to 3.

We are making a pumpkin patch display... look for it soon in the lobby.
We made orange pumpkins by using circlular stamps. This project along with the #3 project will be displayed on our theme board for the month of October.

Adding 3 smile faces.

We mixed red and yellow paint to make orange paint.

Fire Prevention month, so we painted a fire truck red.

We talked about basketballs, how they are used and what color they are. Since it is orange month we decided to paint them orange.

Make believe play with the arks, animals and Noah.
Look at my chalk design.

I made a an Autumn display.

A glimpse of the Bible story.

We used the flannel board to retell and recall events of the story to date.

Noah and his family were Very busy.

The Orange Grab Bag - Each child took a turn pulling out 1 item. They had to state the color of the item, what it is, and how it is used.

Books that I read to the class. The fire fighter book described duties of a fire fighter. The bear book was about a bear strolling through the forest and the signs of Autumn that he saw along the way.

We played with foam balls(circle shape). We had a blast.
We threw them, tossed and rolled them. Fun times.

We played with balloons. We practiced batting them with our hands, we tried to keep them from touching the floor.

We also danced with streamers. I called out a movement and the students did the action. EX: side to side, up/down, hand to hand etc.

What a nice day to be outside.

Fun at play.

We had a surprise Fire Drill today. The fire fighter gave the children a badge sticker.

We also saw the truck and heard the siren.

We painted the ark brown. Later this week we will add animals 2x2 of course.

We played a matching game using an egg carton to hold the animal matches that we made.

We are good at matching.
Before nap, I read the story entitled Rock-a-bye Farm. The farmer rocks the baby, animals and himself to sleep.

Using our words and this picture book the class retold the story of Noah.

Animal masks, guess who.

What is our favorite color apple. The graph tells us it's green and yellow apples.
The boys and girls made an A-B-A pattern using red and green apples.
And that's how we spent the day.
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