I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend. This week we conclude the story of Noah. From the Read and Share Bible. This is the story your child heard today.
Genesis 7:12, 8:1-19, The Dove
After 40 days and 40 nights, the rain stopped, but it still wasn't time to get off the boat. Water was everywhere. One day Noah let a little dove fly out to see what was happening on the earth. It brought a green leaf back. Hooray! The plants were growing again! It was almost time to come out.
Genesis 8:18-22, 9:1-17, The Rainbow
When everyone was out of the boat, Noah built an altar. He thanked God for keeping them safe. Then something wonderful happened! God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky and made Noah a promise. "I will never flood the whole earth like that again," God said. When God makes a promise, He keeps it.
Pumpkin Decorating
Coloring a picture of Noah with colored pencils
Play doh
Toys inside and outside
Magnetic board color review
Chalk board
Painting a pumpkin or carrots orange
Stamping Lg/Med/Sm orange circles
Wax paper Jack-O-Lanterns
Sensory Table Fall Items
Singing/Dancing/Finger plays
Scarecrow making
Examining pumpkins/Mint leaves/the classroom bean pot
no growth yet... hopefully the ones the students took
home are sprouting.
Blowing Bubbles on the playground
Pictures from Thursday.
We enjoy the sensory table... touching/feeling, measuring, scooping, filling, pouring and picking off the kernels of corn. The class is in awe of the corn husk.

We had an enjoyable day.
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