Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend. This week we conclude the story of Noah. From the Read and Share Bible. This is the story your child heard today.

Genesis 7:12, 8:1-19, The Dove
After 40 days and 40 nights, the rain stopped, but it still wasn't time to get off the boat. Water was everywhere. One day Noah let a little dove fly out to see what was happening on the earth. It brought a green leaf back. Hooray! The plants were growing again! It was almost time to come out.

Genesis 8:18-22, 9:1-17, The Rainbow
When everyone was out of the boat, Noah built an altar. He thanked God for keeping them safe. Then something wonderful happened! God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky and made Noah a promise. "I will never flood the whole earth like that again," God said. When God makes a promise, He keeps it.

Pumpkin Decorating
Coloring a picture of Noah with colored pencils
Play doh
Toys inside and outside
Magnetic board color review
Chalk board
Painting a pumpkin or carrots orange
Stamping Lg/Med/Sm orange circles
Wax paper Jack-O-Lanterns
Sensory Table Fall Items
Singing/Dancing/Finger plays
Scarecrow making
Examining pumpkins/Mint leaves/the classroom bean pot
       no growth yet... hopefully the ones the students took
        home are sprouting.
Outside we blew bubbles and tried to catch them.

Pictures from Wednesday.

We made silly Jack-O-Lanterns out of Mr. Potato pieces.

Next we played toys.

The magnetic board this week features things that are blue, red or orange. This child is playing with magnetic pieces that are pictures of blue, red and orange items. Example: a blueberry, a red car, and an orange shirt. There was a lot of conversation about the color of each item. Some students grouped the pictures by color. Others named the picture and told something about it. I planned this activity as a way to review the colors we've learned so far. I was pleased to see it also enriched their language  and thinking skills.

This is the story that the children heard today.

The children got to choose from a  picture of an orange, pumpkin, Jack-O-Lantern or carrots. Of course they painted the picture orange. We are working on our painting skills, using less paint and making long brush strokes.

We made animal puppets.

Look at our beautiful chalk design.

We are outside escaping our building! Why? We had a practice Tornado Drill.

We stamped large, medium and small circles using orange paint.

Jesus Board.

We are singing our opening Jesus Time song; Read, Read, Read The Bible. This is the sound of angel voices.

Our story.

Yes, we are under the tables for the Tornado Drill.

Book Time.


We LOVE the sensory table.
We enjoy the sensory table... touching/feeling, measuring, scooping, filling, pouring and picking off the kernels of corn. The class is in awe of the corn husk. 

The children used a special crayon to color a rainbow over the ark.

Time to get creative with play doh.

I used colored pencils on this picture of Noah and the dove.

He used stickers to create a spooky Halloween  picture.

We used our senses to talk about the mint leaves growing in our garden.

We did the same thing with the pumpkin.

The children used a sponge, in the shape of a Jack-O-Lantern, dipped it in orange paint and stamped it 3 times to form this unique work of art.

This is a song we are learning.

This is another song we are learning.

We sang this song and substituted the words "at the zoo" for "on the ark". We named some animals on the ark, then vocalized the sounds these animals make.

We had an enjoyable day.

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