Pictures from Friday.

We started the day by playing with play doh.

These two girls enjoyed decorating the tree.

These children enjoyed building with blocks.

It's fun to play with the cowboy town.

We enjoyed tearing wrapping paper.

We painted a Christmas picture.

A/B/A patterning.

We are getting ready for Jesus Time.

I was so impressed at how well the children retold the Bible story. Perhaps with a little prompting and pictures they could retell the story to you, their family.

Today we lit the 4th Advent candle, the candle of Love.

We enjoyed playing in the Commons.

We matched cookie cutters to the shapes on the cards.

Retelling the Christmas story using the magnetic board.

We painted a birthday cake for Jesus and sang Happy Birthday to him. We now know that Christmas is Jesus's birthday. He is our BEST Christmas present EVER!

We drew a Christmas tree and added decorations.

This book was read to the students today.

We recited this action verse.

This is a song we've been learning.

We are VERY good at singing and doing the actions to this song.

This is another song we have learned this month.

We have perfected this song too. More importantly we can identify triangles and the color green in our environment.

This is a song we started to learn this week.
Christmas blessings to all.