This week our focus for Jesus Time has been centered around the story Of Hannah. The children have learned that all blessings come from God. Therefore, we should thank and praise Him. The children also know that God gives us what we need. We can apply the story of Hannah and Samuel by serving others. Another way is thinking about our prayer life, our way of talking to God. Do we just ask for things? Or, do we also include prayers of thanks giving and prayers that glorify God for who He is. Families, I hope that you are in communication with God on a daily basis if not more.
Here is a glimpse of our day of Learning and Praising God.
Folder games.matching by color.
We continue to pop bubble wrap; the sound is awesome.
House keeping and socialization: sharing, taking turns and cooperation.
Cooperative play, amazing at this age. Way to go.
Math, fine motor and language development.
Loose parts and properties of these parts. How can we use them? So STEAM, that is age appropriate for this age group.
Exploring the sensory table. Making observations and predictions.
Balancing pumpkins and corn kernels.
Bible story coloring sheet.
Typing a story about the pumpkins.
Now you see me...
What is the shape, color and texture of these items.
My friends helped me tell the Bible story, using puppets.
Outdoor recess. Please dress for the weather.
Our Bible story. Hannah loved her son Samuel and provided for him. She made him a new coat every year.
We are learning about the Reformation and Martin Luther.
Books and articles read to the students today.
Alphabet video.
Enjoy the weekend. Please worship as a family this weekend.
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