#3 and stickers
Tees and pumpkins
Halloween matching
Bible story and coloring handout
Circle do-a-dot
Dramatic play
Books and story time
Circle Time: Weather and Orange Grab Bag
Outdoor play
Music and dancing
Letters and sound: A-D
Bean bag toss
Children placed 3 stickers on the number 3. This activity helps with number recognition - counting, language development. Discussing the sticker pictures, expands vocab by naming objects, colors etc.) Fine motor and sensory skills are enriched as children pull off paper/placing sticky side on the 3.
Fine Motor,- hand/eye coordination, increases, hand/finger strength develops pincer grasp. Early Math - color recognition and counting. Language development - self expression, building vocabulary.
Matching Halloween cards aids in: visual discrimination ex.- same/different, oral language and fine motor skills.
Today the class used markers to color the Bible story. The story of Abraham, teaches us to 1. Trust God, 2. Believe in His promises, 3. Understand that God can do all things. The children also know they are part of Abraham's family, as is Jesus.
This activity develops our fine motor skills as we placed a small orange dot int each circle.
Books allow the children to explore their world and the world of make believe.
As the boys and girls dressed Weather Frog, they in turn learn how to appropriately dress themselves for various types of weather. Knowledge of weather conditions and seasons are explored. Oral language is increased as new words are learned.
Some books are purely for enjoyment while others help us learn new concepts. The girls and boys are learning that some books are about make believe and others are about real life (fiction/nonfiction).
Our Jesus Time story: Father Abraham and the gift of his son, Isaac.
We took a closer look at letters A-D. The students were exposed to capital and lower case letter names and sounds.
Large motor development took place on our newly built playground. This is a great place to explore and enjoy with our ELP friends. We are improving our skills: running, jumping, etc.
Orange Grab Bag! What's orange? Lots of things. The children explored various shades, shapes and textures of orange. They used their words to tell classmates about these items.
Beanbag toss = large motor growth, hand - eye development and social development like, patience, sharing and taking turns.
This concludes our day of learning at Zion.
May God be with you this evening.
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