The orange play doh arrived. The class noticed the color change and softness of the dough.
Getting our wiggles out by bouncing on a ball.
These children are working very well together.
Jack-O-Lantern Bean bag toss.
Sewing the paper plates. These Jack-o-Lantern sewing plates can be used at home for a Quiet Time activity, All children could use some additional practice.
Last day for these puzzles,
The girls and boys traced a circle with an orange marker.
Three stickers were placed on #3.
The girls typed a story about hammering tees into a pumpkin.
Halloween matching game helps with visual discrimination.
Exploring wooden numbers #1-3.
3 Jack-O-Lanterns were stamped on the page.
Today's group reviewed The story of Issac's birth with ease.
Books from our class library.
Weather frog is dressed for a Fall day.
He needs to wear his jacket. Please be prepared and make sure your child has a jacket. Zion's campus gets a pretty good breeze; usually chilly.
Opportunity to explore the environment and play with Ms. Derrington's class.
Learning our alphabet up to letter H.
Wednesday's featured books.
Learning letters.
Jack-O-Lanterns faces made with a template and dry erase markers. Good Job friends.
As the picture shows, the missing shoe was found mid morning as cots were pulled and set up. It was attached to the velcro. Thanks for checking book bags and such.
Blessing to all and safe travels to families going out of town. REMINDER NO SCHOOL for ELP students on Thurs or Fri. this week. Thurs. is Conferences for PS--8th grade. Fri. is Fall Break Day. ELP does NOT hold conferences.
ELP teachers will be preparing portfolios and working on Project Construct. We met last Saturday and will meet this coming Saturday at the St. Charles Community College in order to be Project Construct certified.
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