Bible Story, Acts 2:22-42
Peter Speaks about Jesus
Peter told the crowds about Jesus-His death on the cross to pay for their sins. Peter told how God had made Jesus alive again defeat in death. Jesus keeps His promises. That day 3,000 people were baptized. The Holy Spirit helped the disciples share the Good News to all people. He helps us do the same.
PDO friends know:
The Holy Spirit lives in us and helps us tell others all about Jesus.
Dear God,
Help me to be like Peter, telling everyone we meet all about Jesus.
Play doh
Sensory Table-Magnets
Bible Craft
May Flowers-coloring
Teddy Bear patterning- making our own patterns
Campus Walk about to find letters and numbers
Finding colors in our room
For your viewing pleasure...

Play doh.

Crafting the Holy Spirit with cotton balls.

Toy Time.

Books too.

Bible craft...flip side of the Holy Spirit is a water droplet with the child's name underneath. This symbolizes their baptism and reminds us of the 3,000 baptized by Peter in the Bible story today.

Adding droplets by way of a blue dabber.

Creating our own teddy bear pattern.

We found colors in our room. Here is brown.


Commons Time.

We walked around campus finding letters and numbers.

Exit. We know that letters form words. Words give us information.


We used crayons to color May flowers.

Using the magnetic board to review the letters of the alphabet.

Flora the bunny couldn't sleep because she lost her blanket. Oh, we so can relate.

They looked all over.

This book was a fun way to review our letters.

Magnetic learning.

Recess outside.

We shared our love for Jesus and our friends by creating chalk pictures on the sidewalk.
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