Happy May Day
Friday's class now knows what April Showers bring...MAY FLOWERS
Bible Story;
The Lost Coin-Luke 15
"Once there was a women who had 10 silver coins," said Jesus. "Sometimes she would count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...10 coins". One day something went wrong. She counted the coins and only had nine. Only nine! Where could the other coin be? She lit a lamp so she could see under the furniture. She swept the house. Suddenly she saw it! She picked it up and called to her friends. "Be happy for me, I have found my lost coin." Friends, God is like that woman. He wants to find his people who are not following him. They are lost from him. He wants them to follow him again. Then they will be found, and God will be happy!
Activities today:
Bible craft-silver coins
Animal painting
Hide and go Seek the silver coins
Do a dot diamond
ABC books: U-W
Sensory table floating ducks-identifying #1-10
on bottom of duck
Rice Box Number Find
Number Cube Roll-count the dots
Bible craft coloring sheet
Number Stamping
This is how we learned and played on the 1st day of May.

God blessed us with a wonderful day of learning and playing together.
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