Bible Story, Acts 2:22-42
Peter Speaks about Jesus
Peter told the crowds about Jesus-His death on the cross to pay for their sins. Peter told how God had made Jesus alive again defeat in death. Jesus keeps His promises. That day 3,000 people were baptized. The Holy Spirit helped the disciples share the Good News to all people. He helps us do the same.
PDO friends know:
The Holy Spirit lives in us and helps us tell others all about Jesus.
Dear God,
Help me to be like Peter, telling everyone we meet all about Jesus.
This Little Gospel Light of Mine
Go Ye Go Ye Into the World
Commons for a special treat Freeze Pops
Play doh
Bible Craft
The last day of PDO for the 2014-15 School Year.
Bible craft. We used scissors to cut our candle. These candles are 3D and will stand up, with a little help. The candle reminds us to be the light to the world. We are to tell everyone all about God's love for us. We know so much about our Savior Jesus. We have much to tell. The Holy Spirit will help us share this message.
I hope all of you will enjoy time with family this summer. Blessing to all.