Jesus Stops a Storm
Mark 4:35-41
Jesus and His followers got into a boat, and set out across the lake. Jesus was so tired that He fell asleep. Soon a strong wind began to blow. Waves came over the side of the boat. Everyone was very frightened. They woke Jesus. "Help us, or we'll drown!" Jesus commanded the wind and waves to be still. The wind stopped, and there were no more waves coming into the boat. The lake became calm.
When you are frightened, what do you do?
Key Point:
Remember, Jesus is always there with you. Just ask (pray) Him for help. Nothing is too difficult for Jesus.
New Month, New Learning Concepts:
Letters of the Alphabet: G-N
Other topics that will be discussed or worked on this month:
March-Comes in like a lion and Goes out like a lamb
St. Patrick's Day
Dr. Suess Birthday-3-2, Featured Author this month
Review of Prepositions: On/Off, In Front/Behind, Against/Around, In/Out
Review of Nursery Rhymes: Hickory Dickory Dock, Baa Baa Black Sheep,
Little Miss Muffet, Mary had a Little Lamb, Humpty Dumpty, Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star, Eencey Weencey Spider, Rain, Rain Go Away, Jack and Jill, Jack be Nimble
Review of letter names and sounds: A-F
Cutting Skills
Recognition of first letter of first Name
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Jesus Calms the Storm
(Sung to Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Row, row, row your boat, even in a storm!
Jesus will protect us all and keep us safe and warm!
My God is So Great
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
God Is With Me-Finger Play
God is with me day and night. When it is dark (cover eyes with hands). When it is light (remove hands from eyes). He is always watching me (cup hands around eyes like a pair of binoculars). Wherever I am (turn around in a circle with arms stretched out), He can see (point to eyes) and God will take care of me (hug self).
Bible story and craft
White board, Magnetic board, Flannel board
Stamping yellow rectangles
Painting yellow
Do a dot ABC book
Paper plate lion craft
Matching shamrocks
Magnetic fishing
Dr. Suess-birthday celebration: craft pages based on the books read
to the class, Mon. Green Eggs and Ham
Tues. Ten Apples Up on Top
Wed. One Fish Two Fish
Thurs. Hop on Pop
Fri. Go Dog Go
Monday was a great day to be in PDO!
March came in like a lion. That's for sure. These paper plates will become lions over the next few days.
Snow in the sensory table. It's a mixture of hair conditioner and baking soda. It is light, fluffy and cold like snow.
The children enjoyed playing with it. We used our 5 senses to describe how it looked, felt and smelled.
We enjoyed our time together.
Paper plate lion craft
Matching shamrocks
Magnetic fishing
Dr. Suess-birthday celebration: craft pages based on the books read
to the class, Mon. Green Eggs and Ham
Tues. Ten Apples Up on Top
Wed. One Fish Two Fish
Thurs. Hop on Pop
Fri. Go Dog Go
Monday was a great day to be in PDO!

We enjoyed our time together.
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