Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Thursday, March 19, 2015


The last Supper
Matthew 26

Jesus found a quiet upper room, and used it for his last supper. Disciples shared the wine and broke the bread, "Remember me like this," their Master said. For Jesus knew he'd have to leave his friends, to fix a feast above that would never end.

We discussed Holy Communion at Zion. Several of the classmates smiled when I spoke about Pastors
or Elders touching them on the head and blessing them as they kneeled with their parents at the Communion Rail.

Key Points for PDO:

Jesus had a Last Supper with His disciples. 
He asked the disciples to remember Him.
By washing His disciples feet, Jesus demonstrated how we should love one another.

Dear God,
Help me to remember you every day.


Try to sing this song to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb.”

Jesus is God’s special Son,
Special Son, special Son,
Jesus is God’s special Son,
He ate a special meal.

He served His friends bread and juice,
bread and juice, bread and juice,
He served His friends bread and juice
And shared some special news.

We Love
We love (clap, clap) because God first loved us (repeat)
We love (clap, clap), We love (clap, clap)
We love (clap, clap) because God  first  loved  us.

Shape lacing cards
Yellow Rectangular Wax paper art project
Bible story, The Last Supper/coloring page
Outdoor Time/Recess
Review of letters A-N
Music, Singing and Movement
Paper tearing-sensory table
Torn paper Shamrocks
Recognition of number 8/counting to 8
Clothes pin number card
Yellow rectangular framed art
Handouts: #8, St. Patrick"s day, 8 hot air balloons
Yellow duck painting
Lion-Lamb necklace w/yellow noodles (noodle stringing)
Water color kite painting

Please view our day.

This is your invitation. It's a great time, so please plan to attend and bring a friend.

Learn a lot Thursday.
Tearing tissue and crepe paper in the sensory table.

Time for toys.

Lacing shape cards.

We made a rectangular shaped stained glass window.

Next, we made rectangular art.

We used crayons to color a picture of the Last Supper.

We placed 8 stickers on #8.

We used a yellow do-a-dot marker as we filled in circles, inside a rectangle.

The class painted a duck yellow.

The children placed mini clothes pins on a number card.

We strung yellow noodles on yarn.

This is our necklace.

It reminds us that March come in like a lion and goes out like a Lamb; or so the saying goes.

We used water color paints to paint a kite.

A marching we will go. Fast, slow, in a circle or around the room, we love to march.

Marching around the room we go.

This book was read to the class today. We discussed feelings (happy, sad, scared etc). What makes us mad? How do we act when we are mad. What things can we do to get glad? this are questions that we tried to answer.

A page from the book.

Recess was in the Commons.

Then we went to the sanctuary. We viewed the cross display, the Altar and the Communion Rail. We practiced kneeling, bowing our head and praying. We had our Bible story, The Last Supper, while sitting in the pews. We listened very attentively.

We took the torn crepe and tissue paper from the sensory table and made a shamrock.

Here is the finished necklace, sooo cute!

As you can tell, we participated in several activities and we DID learn a lot today.

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