Make Way for the King
John 12
It was Passover! Everyone who could went to Jerusalem for the celebration. Jesus got ready to go too. He asked his disciples to get a donkey for Him and told them just where to find it. "Untie it and bring it to me. Tell anyone who asks what you are doing that the Master needs it," Jesus said. The disciples did as He asked Then they laid their coats on the young donkey's back and Jesus got on it. The trip to the city was exciting. People laid their palm branches in Jesus' path. Some of them even spread their coats on the road for the donkey to walk on. "Hosanna! Praise God!" they shouted. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"
Our prayer:
Dear God,
I love Jesus, and I want to praise him like the people in the story did.
The children have learned several things from this story:
The people welcomed Jesus. We welcome Jesus.
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Jesus loves to hear our praise!
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We can praise Jesus with our words and actions.
Activities today:
Stamping shamrocks
Sensory Table-water play
# 8 markers to color candles
A B C book-Do A Dot
Shamrock-Do A Dot
Rectangle tracing w/yellow marker
Magnetic board letter naming
Flannel board A-B-A patterning
Play Doh
Palm branch snipping w/scissors
Praise Him
Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
Sing Hosanna (Give me oil in my lamp)
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of Kings
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Sing hosanna to the King of King
I'd call it a terrific Thursday as we PRAISED God, befriended our classmates and applied all that we are learning to our school environment. See for yourselves all our activities we did today.
Play doh: yellow, squishy and soft; these are the words, the class came up, with to describe our play doh.
Since we are learning to recognize the color yellow and the shape of a rectangle, we took a walk around campus to see if we could find these two things. Sure enough, bricks are rectangles.
We practiced naming the letters of the alphabet. The first time the letters were presented in order. The second time they were randomly shown to the children.
It was a terrific Thursday in PDO.
I'd call it a terrific Thursday as we PRAISED God, befriended our classmates and applied all that we are learning to our school environment. See for yourselves all our activities we did today.

It was a terrific Thursday in PDO.
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