A Last Meal-Luke 22
At Passover, Jesus and the 12 disciples sat at the table to celebrate a meal together. Before the meal Jesus washed the feet of his friends. He told the men he was doing this in order to set an example for them. He said, "You must love one a another as I have loved you. Then everyone will know you are my disciples."
Then Jesus took the bread and broke it. He gave it to His disciples saying, "This is My body broken for you. When you eat it, think of me."
Then He took the wine and poured it in a cup and gave it to them saying, "This is God's new promise for you sealed with my blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Remember me when you drink it."
This was the first Lord's Supper. Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper to receive life, salvation and forgiveness of sins.
We discussed Holy Communion at Zion. Several of the classmates smiled when I spoke about Pastors or Elders touching them on the head and blessing them as they kneeled with their parents at the Communion Rail.
Key Points for PDO:
Jesus had a Last Supper with His disciples.
He asked the disciples to remember Him.
Dear God,
Help me to remember you every day.
Dear God,
Help me to remember you every day.
Try to sing this song to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb.”
Jesus is God’s special Son,
Special Son, special Son,
Jesus is God’s special Son,
He ate a special meal.
He served His friends bread and juice,
bread and juice, bread and juice,
He served His friends bread and juice
And shared some special news.
Shape lacing cards
Yellow Rectangular Wax paper art project
Bible story, The Last Supper/coloring page
Outdoor Time
Review of letters A-N
Music, Singing and Movement
Paper tearing-sensory table
Green Glitter Shamrocks
Recognition of number 8/counting to 8
Clothes pin number cards
Hopefully these pictures will provide some insight into your child's day.

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