Happy November Everyone!
Jesus Time:
This week we are talking about All Saints Day. In the discussion the children will learn that they to will spend eternity with Jesus. We will talk about how wonderful our life in heaven will be. During the month of November our focus will be on thanking God for all that we have.
Our blessings:
WK 1. Families, Homes, Pets, Clothing, Toys and Furnishings
WK 2. Food
WK. 3. God and Church
Jesus Time will include our Bible song, Read, Read, Read the Bible and Thank Him Thank Him All You Little children. We will add to the song specific items that we are thankful for. I will read books that talk about being thankful for the things we have. The children will participate in an echo prayer thanking God for the provisions that have been given to us. Then we will make a cooperative poster displaying pictures of the things we are thankful for.
New month/ New learning concepts:
Prepositions-review-on/off, in front/behind, up/down
Monday's activities included:
Painting a picture of a house
Painting a moose, rabbit or acorn brown
Using the linking people together to create a family
Going on a campus walk to find brown items
Identifying brown items in a grab bag/using words to describe the item
Tracing a cross
Stamping #4 and counting 4 leaves/acorns to decorate with
Coloring a handout of 4 Bibles
Enjoy the pictures!

We played with new toys.

We chose a picture to paint brown.

The students used dabbers of red, yellow, and orange to fill in circles representing Fall leaves on a tree.

The children used a brown crayon to trace a cross.

The classmates chose a picture of a house to paint using tempera paints and Q-tips.

We stamped a #4 and added 4 leaves and/or acorns to the paper. This activity is displayed on the bulletin board.

They colored 4 Bibles using crayons.

They used the #4 stamper to stamp 4's.

We reached into the bag and pulled out only items that were brown. The students were asked to tell something about the object they chose.

I read this book to the class.

We enjoyed new books for the month of November.

All Saints Poster.

The Jesus Time book I am reading to the class.

We are thankful for......

We went on a walk to find brown things. We found a brown leaf,

a brown fence,

a brown cross,

brown owls,

a brown tree trunk,

and brown straw around our campus.

We took time out from our walk to practice kicking a ball.

The weather was just right for recess.

This is the November Take Home Project. Fill it out and let your child color it. Then, return it as soon as possible. I will display them on 11-10-14.

We talked about ou families. We encouraged each child to name the members of their immediate family. We also asked them if they could name other family members. They talked about grandparents, cousins aunts/uncles and pets.

These are linking people and the children enjoyed fastening them together.

We are working on the thankful poster for this week.
As you can see we were busy today.
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