Mrs. Schenck's Blog

Mrs. Schenck's Blog
Zion's Parents Day Out

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


This week during Jesus Time we will give thanks for the food we eat. The book I will use is Thank You for the World so Sweet. It focuses on the meal time prayer of the same name.

Painting a picture of foods
Puzzles: homes, food, farms, setting the table
Thanks for food, poster and plate
Noodle Necklace
Fall leaves using dabbers
Tracing a dot to dot cross w/brown crayon
A-B-A patterning
Finger plays, songs, large motor movement
Campus walk looking for crosses
Pilgrim apron
Recess in the Commons
Individual and teacher reads to whole class book time
Folder games-matching color, shape, number
Painting an acorn brown

We enjoyed playing with friends and learning new things.

I used the tweezer to pick up the corn cob.

Scooping kernels and filling cups, keeps me busy.

Well, what to play with....

Found something!

A boy and his train, makes for a happy child.

Brothers at work on some puzzles.

I can pick off corn kernels.

The more the merrier.

Puzzles stimulate the brain.

I am thankful for food.

First we spread a thin layer of glue with a brush then we....

add colorful foam leaves. Now that's a pretty fall tree.

I can do it too.


I can match this puzzle shape to the correct spot.

Let's get MESSY.

I am threading a noodle on a piece of yarn. It will make a necklace.

It's easy to trace a dot to dot cross.

My tree is pretty cool.

I am good at spreading the glue.

Just hanging out at the sensory table.

I used yellow, red, and orange dabbers to create a Fall tree.

I can do it too.

Look at my beautiful tree.

I loved this activity.

Look at the concentration on these two boys.

Where should this leaf be placed?

This is fun to do.

I chose noodles from the bag. Then I created a noodle necklace.

I am creating a work of art.

Look at us looking at books. Good job boys and girls!

Recess in the Commons is AWESOME!

Catch the ball.

Hula hoop time.

I can roll on the ball.

Run and Run.

Playing with classmates.

Ready, Set, GO!

We can match turkeys, animals, numbers and shapes.

It's quite fun.

I thank God for food.

Choo Choo.

I made some yummy food.

This was the book I read to the class. It tells the shapes of leaves on various trees and the color changes that happen in the fall.

A-B-A pattern.

This is fun.

I am decorating an apron for Fall.

I painted an acorn brown.

So did I.

Me too.

Our concept board for the month of Nov.

Our cross display is taking shape. If you would like to do this take home project for Nov. with your child, please return it to me and we will display the finished cross in the hallway. If you didn't find one in your child's folder and you want one please let me know. I apologize if you didn't get one.

We are filling the red tub with can goods. This is our service project for the month of Nov. If your family would like to contribute please bring canned and boxed food to this tub located in the lobby by 11-19. This is a school wide collection and the food will be given to the Concordia Lutheran seminarians and their families to help with their Thanksgiving meals.

We talked about the leaves changing color and falling to the ground. We had a finger play about the leaves falling off the trees. We pretended to rake piles of leaves and jump in them.

This is the finger play we are learning this week.

That was a glimpse of our Wednesday in PDO.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun break.

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