This week during Jesus Time we will give thanks for the food we eat. The book I will use is Thank You for the World so Sweet. It focuses on the meal time prayer of the same name.
Painting a picture of foods
Puzzles: homes, food, farms, setting the table
Thanks for food poster and plate
Noodle Necklace
Fall leaves using dabbers
Tracing a dot to dot cross w/brown crayon
A-B-A patterning
Finger plays, songs, large motor movement
Campus walk looking for crosses
Pilgrim apron
Recess in the Commons
Book Nook Time- individual and teacher reads to whole class
Folder games-matching color, shape, number
We had a wonderful day together with our PDO friends.
We enjoyed working with puzzles. The theme of the puzzles centered around blessings of home, farm and food.
The boys and girls chose food and glued the pictures on a paper plate to remind them that God gives us food in order to keep our bodies strong and healthy.
We took walk through the elementary building with the purpose of finding crosses and we found several.
We took turns sharing this toy. It's hard to wait for our turn but we are learning to wait patiently.
We learned that Thanksgiving is a special time for family and friends to get together, share food and play together.
Our cross display is taking shape. If you would like to do this take home project for Nov. with your child, please return it to me and we will display the finished cross in the hallway. If you didn't find one in your child's folder and you want one please let me know. I apologize if you din't get one.
We are filling the red tub with can goods. This is our service project for the month of Nov. If your family would like to contribute please bring canned and boxed food to this tub located in the lobby by 11-19. This is a school wide collection and the food will be given to the Concordia Lutheran seminarians and their families to help with their Thanksgiving meals.
We talked about the leaves changing color and falling to the ground. We had a finger play about the leaves falling off the trees. We pretended to rake piles of leaves and jump in them.
We enjoyed our time together. I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures.
Stay warm and have a relaxing evening.
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