This week during Jesus Time we will give thanks for the food we eat. The book I will use is Thank You for the World so Sweet. It focuses on the meal time prayer of the same name.
Puzzles: homes, food, farms, setting the table
Thanks for food-poster and plate
Noodle Necklace
Fall leaves using dabbers
Tracing a dot to dot cross w/brown crayon
A-B-A patterning
Finger plays, songs, large motor movement
Campus walk looking for crosses
Pilgrim apron
Stained glass leaves
Outdoor play
Book Nook Time- individual and teacher reads to whole class
This is what we did today.

The boys and girls enjoyed puzzles with the theme of blessings, (farm/food, homes, and setting the table).

They used their imagination while playing with toys.

The class used fine motor skills as they removed corn kernels, from the cob, scooped, filled, and measured the corn.

We are filling the red tub with can goods. This is our service project for the month of Nov.

We are thankful this week for food. We glued pictures of food to the poster board and to a paper plate as a reminder that this blessing comes from God.

We made a necklace out of noodles. The class did a good job placing the noodles on the string.

Our friends used dabbers to create a Fall leaf.

The students used a brown crayon to trace a cross.

A-B-A= squirrel, acorn, squirrel. I am thrilled to see the children understand this concept with such ease.

We are learning to look at books with loving hands. We turn the pages slowly.

This book compared 2 families and their Thanksgiving celebrations. We learned that families may have different traditions, but giving thanks to God is a focal point.

This is a Thanksgiving finger play.

We talked about the leaves changing color and falling to the ground. We had a finger play about the leaves falling off the trees. We pretended to rake piles of leaves and jump in them.

I used this book to enhance our music and movement time.

This is one of the movements from the book.

At the end of our finger play we threw leaves in the air then "raked" them up.

We took a walk around campus looking for crosses.

We stopped to kick the soccer ball in the goal.


We made stained glass leaves.

We used our creativity to make aprons similar to what the Pilgrims might have worn.

Our concept board for the month of Nov.

Our cross display is taking shape.
I hope you enjoyed viewing our day.
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