This week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week.
The 2018 National Red Ribbon Week theme: Life Is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free.™
this is TMI for ELP we do enjoy the dress up days. As the school text
that was sent this weekend stated, today was wear red, white, and blue.
Dress accordingly if you want. Participation isn't mandatory. For ELP, I
mention to the children that God gave us wonderful bodies and we want
to keep them strong and healthy.
Dress for:
Wed. Wear Super Hero shirt
Thurs. Wear Crazy Hair
Fri. Wear tour Zion Tee Shirt
This info is also on Sycamore. If you haven't become familiar with it please do so. It is the way Zion School communicates.

On October 25, 26 ELP students may place their donation of super hero items to honor Drew's’ 9th birthday, in the box located in the lobby of Sonshine Center. Drew was a preschooler here at Zion who bravely fought cancer and now is with the biggest superhero of all, Jesus!
Please bring your superhero items to school on Thursday, or Friday.
Action figures, costumes, toys, movies,
backpacks, Lego sets, video games, shirts, or any items with a super
hero theme are all welcome.
This is what we did today.
Exploring gourds.
Working as a team; chalking is more fun with a friend,
Look how nicely these children are playing together as they set the table and prepare the food.
Painting a picture orange.
Lots to do in the sensory table: filling containers with corn, picking corn off the cob, using clothespins and tweezers to pick up the corn, using a magnifying glass to get a closer look at the corn and gourds... the possibilities are endless.
3 part nursery rhymes, beginning, middle and end.
Large motor fun...PUMPKIN ROLLING111
The boys and girls placed an orange ring on the pole.
A B C video. Not pictured but also viewed numbers 1-10, Fall songs and Fall story.

The girls and boys hammered tees into the pumpkin.
Nursery rhymes were Hickory Dickory Dock, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jack and Jill and


Bible story.
This is what we did today.
Exploring gourds.
Working as a team; chalking is more fun with a friend,
Look how nicely these children are playing together as they set the table and prepare the food.
Painting a picture orange.
Lots to do in the sensory table: filling containers with corn, picking corn off the cob, using clothespins and tweezers to pick up the corn, using a magnifying glass to get a closer look at the corn and gourds... the possibilities are endless.
3 part nursery rhymes, beginning, middle and end.
Large motor fun...PUMPKIN ROLLING111
The boys and girls placed an orange ring on the pole.
A B C video. Not pictured but also viewed numbers 1-10, Fall songs and Fall story.
The girls and boys hammered tees into the pumpkin.
Nursery rhymes were Hickory Dickory Dock, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jack and Jill and
Bible story.
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