Welcome back. I hope every one enjoyed the time off. Jeri and I enjoyed the Play session on Thurs.. morning; thanks for coming to the session.
This week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week.
We are thrilled to announce the 2018 National Red Ribbon Week theme: Life Is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free.™
While this is TMI for ELP we do enjoy the dress up days. As the school text that was sent this weekend stated, today was wear red, white, and blue. Dress accordingly if you want. Participation isn't mandatory. For ELP, I mention to the children that God gave us wonderful bodies and we want to keep them strong and healthy.
Dress for:
Tues. Wear favorite team shirt
Wed. Wear Super Hero shirt
Thurs. Wear Crazy Hair
Fri. Wear tour Zion Tee Shirt
This info is also on Sycamore. If you haven't become familiar with it please do so. It is the way Zion School communicates.

On Wednesday, October 24 and 25, 26 we will be having a special offering collection of super hero items to honor Drew Albrittons’ 9th birthday. Drew was a preschooler here at Zion who bravely fought cancer and now is with the biggest superhero of all, Jesus!
Please bring your superhero items to school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
Action figures, costumes, toys, movies,
backpacks, Lego sets, video games, shirts, or any items with a super
hero theme are all welcome.
Our day
Thanks to Mrs. Haun and her husband, we have a new table. Right now we are standing by it but eventually we will be able to sit on cushions around it. Free style drawing with markers. We got creative.
Play doh.
No vehicles on the table. Instead the students had an opportunity to touch, see and smell crazy looking gourds.
Thanks to Mrs. Walter we have an official altar in our classroom.
Our Bible story.
Books of the day.
Watching a few videos. Alphabet/Sounds, Numbers/counting, seasonal - Fall/Halloween.
A Mouse story about Autumn.
A great day to be outside on the playground.
Today we washed our pumpkins.
SURPRISE...our sensory table is full of corn kernels and corn cobs to aid in fine motor development as students filled and poured corn from various containers and picked kernels off the cob.
3 part story sequence, (beginning, middle, and end), using 2 popular nursery rhymes.
We are thrilled to announce the 2018 National Red Ribbon Week theme: Life Is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free.™
Play doh.
No vehicles on the table. Instead the students had an opportunity to touch, see and smell crazy looking gourds.
Thanks to Mrs. Walter we have an official altar in our classroom.
Our Bible story.
Books of the day.
Watching a few videos. Alphabet/Sounds, Numbers/counting, seasonal - Fall/Halloween.
A Mouse story about Autumn.
A great day to be outside on the playground.
Today we washed our pumpkins.
SURPRISE...our sensory table is full of corn kernels and corn cobs to aid in fine motor development as students filled and poured corn from various containers and picked kernels off the cob.
3 part story sequence, (beginning, middle, and end), using 2 popular nursery rhymes.
Tuesday 10-23
Today was a very good day for playing with friends, trying new things, listening and taking turns and of course learning about God's love for us.
Bible story Hannah Prays/Samuel is Born - another example that God hears our prayers/importance of keeping promises
Sensory Table - filled with loose corn, gourds, corn cobs to pick corn from, measuring utensils, spoons, tongs, containers, magnifying glasses
Washing the pumpkin
Outdoor play
Music and movement Jim Gill and seasonal songs
Video storybook
Orange circles on a stick
Painting an orange pic
Folder game- Nursery Rhymes, Sequential order - beginning middle and end
Book Time
Reviewing color red on magnetic board
Hammering Tees
Examining gourds - color, shape, texture
Play Doh
Matching by size, pumpkins - S M L
Matching circles by color
Playing with toy farms, animals and equipment
In closing,
This week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week.We are thrilled to announce the 2018 National Red Ribbon Week theme: Life Is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free.™
this is TMI for ELP we do enjoy the dress up days. As the school text
that was sent this weekend stated, today was wear red, white, and blue.
Dress accordingly if you want. Participation isn't mandatory. For ELP, I
mention to the children that God gave us wonderful bodies and we want
to keep them strong and healthy.
Dress for:
Tues. Wear favorite team shirt
Wed. Wear Super Hero shirt
Thurs. Wear Crazy Hair
Fri. Wear your Zion Tee Shirt
This information is also on Sycamore. If you haven't become familiar with Sycamore please do so. It is the way Zion School communicates. 
On Wednesday, October 24 and 25, 26 we will be having a special offering collection of super hero items to honor Drew Albrittons’ 9th birthday. Drew was a preschooler here at Zion who bravely fought cancer and now is with the biggest superhero of all, Jesus!
Please bring your superhero items to the drop off box October 24 25, 26, in the lobby of Sonshine Center.
Action figures, costumes, toys, movies,
backpacks, Lego sets, video games, shirts, or any items with a super
hero theme are all welcome.
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