We finished the week strong. Some of our friends returned to school after a few days at home. We continue to pray for Delaney and hope that she will be able to return next week. We really need to do what we can to stop the spreading of germs. It just seems to be a cycle of various illnesses that's being passed around. We thank you for NOT sending our child to school when they are ill
Black play doh rocks.
Stacking cubes and filling spaces with them.
Puzzles and wooden houses to work and build.
Books available when friends need some quiet time.
Gingerbread coloring sheet and crayon available for those who wanted to color.
Do a dot star in the color chosen by the student.
Art white board available for doodling/drawing with dry erase markers along with the chalkboard side.
Role playing - dramatic play.
Building with magnetic blocks.
Mitten painting. A choice of 5 paint colors to chose from. The boys and girls did a good job of painting within the lines.
Science in our world - painting a Fall tree
Mitten match by color and strengthening the pincer grasp as the pairs were clipped together using a small clothes pin.
Visual discrimination used to make the large gingerbread look like the smaller one by adding identical shapes to the large gingerbread.
Plenty of running, balls, scooters and hula hoops to play with during our time in the Commons.
Books of the day.
Or Bible story was video of Jesus teaching in the Temple along with a flannel board story of this Passover.
Who is this you ask? The one and only Jim Gill.
Jim Gill is coming to Zion on 2-9 at 6pm this is a free concert for our Early Ed program. Families, I encourage you to attend. I have attended a performance at conference a few year ago. It is very interactive. We use his music in our class rooms. Please attend.
Look at all the fun your children are having dancing to the songs by Jim.
We took our art work to the Welcome Center of church where it is on display this weekend For National Lutheran Schools Week and Open House.
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