The week went by quickly and we enjoyed dressing up for National Lutheran Schools Week. Today we talked about Playing Together. In ELP/PDO much of our learning takes place while we play. It is our work. We discussed how to play cooperatively with one another. Ideas that the class thought of were as follows: sharing, taking turns, using loving hands and helping each other.
The centers today were:
Play doh
Bible story craft-using crayons to color a picture
of John The Baptist baptizing Jesus
Painting mittens with tempera paint
Counting to six using ABC stickers
Lacing Mittens
Creating a design using tempera paints
Ginger bread painting with water colors
Sensory Table-Cloud dough-snow
Linking Tiles
Jesus Time: John Baptizes Jesus
looking at our own baptismal pictures
Discussing baptism
Role playing a baptism
Books: time allowed for enjoying a book on their own and/or
having Mrs. Schenck read a book to them.
Featured Book was Corduroy
Looking for signs of baptism in our
Walk about campus
Weather Frog
Tossing foam balls in a star basket

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