We serve God as we serve each other.
The character trait for the day is Service Together. Together our class may donate loose change and place it in the baby bottle. Zion church is collecting money for Sparrows Nest.
The mission of THE SPARROW’S NEST MATERNITY HOME is to provide a CHRIST centered shelter and to educate homeless, pregnant and parenting YOUNG WOMEN by providing a wide range of SERVICES that empower them to make positive and healthy LIFE decisions for themselves and their BABIES.
In our classroom, we talked about moms needing help to care for their babies. If you would like to donate please send in donations through 2-26-16. The children can place donations in the bottle during Jesus Time. This is optional. Other ways we thought of to serve here at school is to help a teacher or a friend. We can help by picking up toys, giving a hug to a friend who is sad, and help friends put away cots.Tomorrow is Play Together Day. we will discuss ideas on how to play with friends, It is also Color Day our class color is blue. So, wear something blue.
The centers today were:
Play doh
Bible story craft-using crayons to color a picture
of John The Baptist baptizing Jesus
Painting mittens with tempera paint
Counting to six using ABC stickers
Lacing Mittens
Creating a design using tempera paints
Ginger bread painting with water colors
Sensory Table-Cloud dough-snow
Linking Tiles
Jesus Time: John Baptizes Jesus
looking at our own baptismal pictures
Discussing baptism
Role playing a baptism
Books (3 books read to class) time allowed
for enjoying a book on their own and/or
having Mrs. Schenck read a book to them
Looking for signs of baptism in our
Weather Frog
Tossing foam balls in a star basket
We hope you like what you see and discuss these pics with your children.

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