
We love working these puzzles.

When the puzzle piece is placed in the frame the puzzle makes the sound associated with the object.

Play doh gets our creativity started.

Free Choice.

Sorting bears by color.

She colored a self portrait. We learned that God made each of us in HIS image.

We tried to tear the long strips of paper into small pieces.

The class placed red objects on the magnetic board.

Each child named the object and it's color. Only red items could be placed on the board.

On the 7th day God rested. He wants us to spend one day focussed on Him. We learned how to worship God through music, children's message, and prayer.

We placed letters into the slot.

We finger painted with red paint.

We enjoyed looking at books.

I read individually to each child. They were able to choose the book. The following are 2 books that were read to the entire class.

Our hallway display.

Check it out.

This month is our turn for the lobby display. Enjoy! The children made an awesome apple stamping collage.


She is making an apple to hang on the tree in our classroom.

We sorted sticks.

It's time for lunch.

Large motor movement with red streamers.
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