
We started the day with puzzles.

Next came play doh.

A popular activity this week, was placing Q-tips in the holes of the cheese jar.

Construction vehicles captured the attention of the boys, during free choice.

All aboard!

The children love to look at themselves.

We are learning to paint within the lines.

The children enjoyed serving each other food.

We are learning to spread the paint. We dipped the brush in the paint 2 times.

The children worked on day 5 and 6 of Creation.

Birds and fish.
The PDO friends played nicely together.

Exploring the the sensory table, looking for red objects.

Yippee! It's snack time!

We are learning how to look at books with tender loving care.

Our Bible story.

This is a book that was read to the class today, reminding us of Jesus' love for us.

This story was heard during the 1st week of school. It is good to reread some books.

Apples, YUM! This book was about the class pet going on a field trip, with the students, to the apple orchard.

We matched the apples by color.
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