
He loves to use a cell phone and doesn't mind that it's an old school flip phone.

Free choice.

A mommy and her baby.

On the 7th day Go rested. The Creation was completed. God wants us to rest study His word on the weekend.

The class stamped Z's on the 7th day.

Time for puzzles.

The class used a red crayon and a template to trace an octagon.

We played with red finger paint.

Red tissue paper, poms and chenille was used to decorate an apple.

We used crayons to color a picture of ourselves. This reminded us that God created each one of us.

Book Time. Today I read individually to each child a book that they chose.

A fantastic day to be outside with friends.

We found strips of red and blue paper in the sensory table. The children are learning to tear paper.

The children sorted blue and red bears into colored bowls.

This book was read to the class.

This book was also read to the class.

Our Bible story day 6 and 7.
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