Bible Story:
John 1:35-51
Helpers and Friends:
Jesus knew that he had much work to do. He wanted to have some good friends who could help him. One day Jesus was walking along the Sea of Galilee. He saw two boats there. Peter and Andrew were fishing from one boat. James and John were mending a net in the other boat. Jesus called to them,"Come and follow me." They did.
Later Jesus passed by a tax office. There was a man there named Matthew. Matthew's job was to collect the taxes, the money the people paid to the king. Jesus looked at Matthew. "Follow me," Jesus said. Matthew got up and followed Jesus.
Jesus asked twelve men to be his helpers. Besides Peter, Andrew, James, John and Matthew, he called Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas another man named James, Simon, Thaddaeus and Judas.
To apply this story to our daily life, I began the discussion with how we can be helpers at home and at school. Truly, the children understand the concept of being a helper. We also discussed ways we can show God's love. They offered several good ideas. As Christians we need to be disciples and tell others the Good News.
Bead stringing
Bible story coloring sheet
Books read to students as a group/individually
Sponge painting
Grab bag of pink items
Free/Directed play: toys, magnetic board, chalkboard, sensory table
Snowflake crafts (2)
7 bead stringing
Exploration of shaving cream
Using a mirror
Our day:

We started the day with beading. The children chose large beads of various shapes and tried to place each bead on the string.

He did it.

The sensory table is filled with red hearts.

We can pour, fill, scoop, use tweezers and magnifying glasses to examine items in the table.

Another activity was to place foam colored sticks in like containers. Matching by color is quite easy for most students.

We made snowflakes by placing a circular pool of glue on wax paper and adding 6 Q-tip halves to the glue. When dry, the wax paper is removed, leaving a unique snowflake.

The boys and girls love playing toys with their classmates.

Seven is the featured number for the month of February. The children used small, heart shaped beads of various color and placed seven on a pipe cleaner.

Our fine motor skills got a workout.

This activity took a great deal of patience and persistence.

Art project: blue and purple paint, a sponge roller and 3 snowflakes. The snowflakes were placed randomly on white paper. Then the students rolled the paint roller through the paint.

Next the roller was rolled all over the paper. After the paper was completly covered, the snowflake stencils were removed and white snowflakes appeared.

Creative use of magnets: gingerbread men, snowmen and pink/red hearts.

Our Jesus Board: 12 Disciples poster, Jesus poster, and a poster of "Helpers" today, (male, female young and old). We can tell others of Jesus' love. We can be disciples too.

The girls and boys pulled pink objects out of a bag.

Each child named the object.

Each child told the class something about the object.

Some even modeled their pick.

I read the book to the class, twice. The first time, they listend to the story. The second time, they demonstrated the action words.

Obviously, this book was very interactive.

This book provided us with a look at many pinks objects in the princesses environment and pink things we might find in our environment too.

A few pages from the Bible story.

With a new month comes new books to enjoy.

Fun at recess!

Sorting hearts and snowmen.

The friends used a pink sponge to sponge paint a pink construction paper heart.

Some classmates went a step further and did some patterning work with the hearts and snowmen sorters.

Messy fun.

We used crayons to color a picture depicting the Bible story.

The students were given a small amount of shaving cream to explore.

As we played with the cream, we talked about how it smelled, how it felt, the color etc.

Some students drew shapes in the cream. Others patted it to make small peaks. Still others rubbed it around until it disappeared. Such a simple product, but lots of learning developed as the students explored it.
I hope you enjoyed seeing how we spent our time today.
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