Bible story:
Luke 19:1-10
A Very Short Man
Everywhere Jesus went, there were crowds of people. In one crowd there was a very short man named Zacchaeus. He wanted to see Jesus, but he couldn't see over the crowd. So he climbed a tree. Jesus said, "Zacchaeus, come down so we can go to your house today," Zacchaeus hurried down and took Jesus to his home. Zacchaeus wanted to do good things. He told Jesus that he'd give half of the money he stole to the poor.
Key Point:
1. Full and complete forgiveness when we sin
Activities and Centers this week include:
Time for Toys
Play doh
Exploration of hand lotion
Sensory Table filled with snow
Spray painting the snow
Coloring with markers, 7 tulips handout
Folder games: gingerbread shape match, paint chip match,
snowman match, heart and gingerbread match (size: S, M, L)
Magnetic board-valentine hearts
White board-dry erase markers
Marble painting
Jesus Time
Cooperative Poster-stamping valentine shapes
I Spy game
Painting a valentine
Cube stacking-1 tall tower/1 short tower
Mystery box container-identifying big/little, (L, S) & tall/short items
Placing colored stickers on a large heart
Heart sequencing-by color-red/pink on flannel board
by size-large/small on paper
We had a very busy day!

Cooking in the kitchen.

We enjoyed playing with play doh.

The class enjoyed playing with toys.

We used markers on the white board.

The boys and girls enjoyed playing with magnetic hearts.

We matched snowmen by the color of their scarves.

We used markers to color 7 tulips.

The class used colored stickers and placed them on circles inside a large heart.

The friends matched hearts by size: small, medium and large.

We painted a valentine picture.


We placed a paper heart, 3 marbles dipped in pink paint and placed a lid on the box and shook it.

Marble painting fun.

I Spy.... the children found the listed items hidden in the picture.

Our Bible story board.

I used a BIG book to tell the Bible story of Zaccehues.

I read this book to the class.

This is a page from the book.

This is the other book that I read to the class.

and pages from it.

We enjoyed a new rotation of books.

Sequencing hearts by color.

We learned 2 new words Big and Little.

We took turns telling which items were big and which ones were little.

We used sequence cards to retell the Bible story(beginning, middle and end).

We sang Zaechues.

We sprayed the SNOW with paint, oh what FUN!

Recess continues in the Commons.

The girls and boys used valentine stamps to design a poster.

Our sensory table was filled with snow.

The children described the snow as: soft, white, cold, wet, slippery, and icy. We also learned that our warm hands melted the snow.

The students matched paint chips by color.

They matched gingerbread men by size: small medium and large.

Sequencing hearts: big-little-big.

We stacked cubes.

We made a tall stack.

We made a short stack.

The class attempted to name the shapes as they place them on the gingerbread man.

Other children were able to look at a small template of a decorated gingerbread man and match it to a larger one.

The friends enjoyed playing in hand lotion and applying it to their hands and cheeks.

It felt good on our dry skin.

The class used words to describe the lotion.
White, soft, puffy, creamy and light were the words most commomly used to tell about the experience.
I hope you enjoyed viewing the pictures.
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